Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering has an UG program with 120 intake. It has the state-of-the-art laboratory to impart practical knowledge in the areas of thermal, design and manufacturing. The department also has Centre of excellence to impart specialized training in the areas of Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Mechatronics and Sensors through MoU with Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd. The department has experienced and well qualified faculty with 14 faculty members with Ph. D. and 22 research scholars are pursuing Ph. D. at the research Centre. The department has an established research center under VTU in the areas like Robotics, bio-fuels, composites and energy systems. Department also have 3 axis BFW vertical CNC machine, 5 axis Vertical CNC Machines, wind tunnel with testing area of 1 square meter to facilitate experimental works. At present department has 7 funded projects of around 1.65 crore worth from agencies like VGST, ARDB, DRDO.
- Year of Establishment: 1979
- Head of Department: Dr. I. Sridhar
- NBA Accreditation Status: Academic Year 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22, i.e., upto 30-06-2022; Further Accredited for Academic Year 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25, i.e., upto 30/06/2025
- Current Intake: 120
- Phone Number: 0836 – 244 7465

To establish a synergetic Mechanical Engineering program anchored in fundamentals and relevant state of the art technologies, thereby enabling the students to achieve all round development for careers in industry and for higher learning, being responsible to society and environment.
- To establish a curricula & syllabi consisting of robust core courses with emphasis on imparting fundamental principles of mechanical engineering coupled with adaptive and relevant electives catering to the cutting edge technologies.
- To promote interactive teaching practices using modern educational tools & techniques to attain synergy in teaching, research and industrial practices.
- To imbibe industrial expertise for connecting class room learning to real life situation.
- To impart soft skills and professional ethics enabling students to achieve an all round personality development, making them responsive to societal needs and environmental concerns.
PEOs & POs
Programme Educational Objectives(PEOs)
PEO 1 | Graduates will be successful in industry, research and higher learning. |
PEO 2 | Graduates will formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems. |
PEO 3 | Graduates will work in teams to address industrial and socially relevant problems / projects. |
PEO 4 | Graduates exhibit awareness and commitment to lifelong learning & practice professional ethics. |
Programme Outcomes(POs)
UG – Mechanical Engineering: PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO | Short Title of the PO | Description of the Programme Outcome (PO) Engineering Graduates will be able to: |
PO-1 | Engineering knowledge | Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. |
PO-2 | Problem analysis | Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. |
PO-3 | Design/development of solutions | Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
PO-4 | Conduct investigations of complex problems | Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. |
PO-5 | Modern tool usage | Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. |
PO-6 | The engineer and society | Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. |
PO-7 | Environment and Sustainability | Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. |
PO-8 | Ethics | Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. |
PO-9 | Individual and team work | Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. |
PO-10 | Communication | Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. |
PO-11 | Project management and finance | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. |
PO-12 | Life-long learning | Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
UG – Mechanical Engineering: PROGRAM SPECIFIC OUTCOMES(PSOs)
PSO 1 | Graduates will be successful in industry, research and higher learning. |
PSO 2 | Graduates will formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems. |
PSO 3 | Graduates will work in teams to address industrial and socially relevant problems / projects. |
PSO 4 | Graduates exhibit awareness and commitment to lifelong learning & practice professional ethics. |

Dr. I. Sridhar
Professor & HOD

Dr. Anilkumar H. C.

Dr. Kalameshwar N Patil
Associate Professor & Deputy Dean(R&D)

Dr. Sunilkumar S Honnungar
Associate Professor

Dr. B. H. Vadavadagi
Associate Professor

Dr. P. S. Shivakumar Gouda
Associate Professor

Prof. Sateesh K. A.
Assistant Professor

Dr. V. S. Yaliwal
Assistant Professor

Prof. S. G. Hungund
Assistant Professor

Prof. Shankar Daboji
Assistant Professor

Dr. Suneel Ramachandra Joshi
Assistant Professor

Prof. Shivanand Galaveen
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sudheendra G. Bindgi
Assistant Professor

Dr. Jayaraj Y, Kudariyavar
Assistant Professor & Deputy Dean CIII

Prof. Aravind Javali
Assistant Professor

Dr. Vijay Kamate
Assistant Professor

Prof. M. K. Marikatti
Assistant Professor

Venkatesh K. Havanurd
Assistant Professor

Prof. Venkatesh P. Pandharikar
Assistant Professor

Prof. Sandeep I Akki
Assistant Professor

Dr. Abhilash Desai
Assistant Professor

Prof. Vijaykumar R Shivannavar
Assistant Professor

Prof. Jayaram Bhat
Assistant Professor

Prof. Shivaprasad B. L.
Assistant Professor
UG |
I Year Syllabus 2024-25 II Year Syllabus 2024-25 III Year Syllabus 2024-25 NEP Scheme IV Year Syllabus 2024-25 |
Space, Infrastructure & Facilities
Space, Infrastructure & Facilities |
Dr. I. Sridhar (Professor & HOD)
Dr. I. Sridhar is a professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering. He did his B. E. from G.B.D.T. college of Engineering, Davangere. He did is PG from the same institution in Production Engineering and Systems Technology. He obtained his Ph. D from Kuvempu University from the same institute. His areas of interest are FEM, Polymer composites, Vibration and CFD.
Qualifications: B.E., M. Tech., Ph. D
- Sridhar I, C S Venkatesha, “ Variation of damping property of polymer composite under saline water treatment”, International journal of innovation in engineering & tech. 2(1): 420-423, 2013
- Sridhar I, C S Venkatesha, “Influence of liquid environments on the damping property of polymer composites”, International journal of engg. research & technology. 2(2): 1-6, 2013
- Sridhar I, and Vaibhav U Vernekar, “ Modeling and simulation of a two wheeled reconnaissance jumping robot”, International journal of scientific research and engineering studies, 2(8): 25-29, 2015
- I Sridhar, Vinayak S Uppin, Ashok, AnanthJoshi, and P. S. Shivakumar Gouda, “Interlaminar fracture toughness in Glass – Cellulose Reinforced Epoxy hybrid composites” Materials Science and Engineering, 149: 1-10 (2016)
- I Sridhar, Ashok, Vinayak S Uppin, Deepak S Huddar, Krishanaraj G Kodancha and P S Shivakumar Gouda, “Investigation on pseudo-ductility to improve mechanical behavior in glass-cellulose epoxy composites” Materials Science and Engineering, 149: 1-10 (2016)
- I Sridhar, Anant Joshi, Santosh Savnur, Vinayak S Uppin, P.S.Shivakumar Goudac, and Veereshkumar G B, “Viscoelastic Behavior of Cellulose Coated Glass/Kevlar Epoxy Composite Laminates using Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer”, Materials today proceedings, 5: 25486–25493 (2018).
- I Sridhar, Sateeshkumar Kanakannavar, Santosh Savanur, Dr. P.S.Shivakumar Goud, Dr. Veeresh kumar. G. B, “Improved Delamination Behaviour in Glass-Cotton Reinforced Hybrid Composites”, Materials today proceedings, 5 (2018) 24984–24996.
- I Sridhar, Santosh Savanur and P S Shivukumar Gouda, “Influence of varied Environmental Conditions on Tensile and Damping Behavior of Glass-Cotton Composite laminates”, Recent Trends in Production Engineering, 3:1-8 (2020).
- I Sridhar, Santosh Savanur and vinayak uppin, “Effect of different parameters on the fatigue characteristics of fiber reinforced polymer composites-a review”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 10(3): 9127-9140 (2020).
- I Sridhar, Anant Joshi, P S Shivakumar Gouda, Jyoti V Vastrad, and Abhilash Edacherian, “An Assessment of Utilizing Natural Fibers for the Development of High-Performance Fiber Hybrid Composites for Mechanical and Fracture Toughness Properties”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 14(24): 1993-2004 (2021).
Phone Number: 9035 924 809
Other Achievements: He has obtained a research grant from ARDB, DRDO worth 6.603 lakhs.
Prof. G. L. rajabansi (Professor)
Prof. G L Rajabanshi is a Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA.
He obtained his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. He received his Master degree in Production Engineering from J C College Mysore. and guided 30 U.G. and 10 PG. students. He has conducted 3 Conferences and 2 Workshops. He is a life member of MIE and ISTE.
Qualifications: B.E(Mech), M.Tech
Phone Number: 9448275251
Dr. Anilkumar H. C. (Professor)
Dr. Anilkumar H. Chavadannavar, has completed Ph. D. degree on the topic ’Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of Fly ash Reinforced Aluminium alloy 6061 Composites’ from NITK, Surathkal in December 2011. He has worked as junior engineer in planning department of B. D. K. Process Controls, Hubli and as Lecturer in C. B. Kolli Polytechnic, Haveri before joining as Lecturer in Anjuman Engineering College, Bhatkal. He has worked as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor during his 16 years of service in that college. Later he worked as Associate Professor in VDRIT, Haliyal from 13.04.2012 to 19.11.2012. At present he is working as Professor in SDMCET, Dharwad since 20.11.2012. He was Head of the Department from 09.102017 to 14.10.2019. He has attended many National and International seminars and Conferences. He has published following papers in various conferences and International journals. His Research interests are in the area of composite materials, Management and operations research.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech, PhD.
- A Research Technical paper on the topic “Tribological Characterization of Fly ash reinforced Alluminium alloy (Al 6061) composites” in International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 13, 2011, 07-11 of Nobel Journals.
- A Research Technical paper titled “Mechanical Properties of Fly ash Reinforced Aluminium alloy (Al6061) Composites” in International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), Volume 6, Issue 1, 2011, 41-45.
- A Research Technical paper titled “Microstructural and Tribological characterization of TiN coated Aluminium Alloy (Al6061)” in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IJME), volume 1, issue 1, 2012, 73-78.
- A Research Technical paper titled “Effect of Particle Size of Fly ash on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Aluminium Alloy (Al6061) Composites and Their Correlations” in International Journal of Mechanic Systems Engineering (IJMSE), Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2013, 6-13.
- Presented a paper on the topic ‘on the Mechanical properties of Fly ash reinforced Alluminium alloy (Al 6061) composites’ in the National conference on AMMP-2007 held at UBDT College of Engineering, Davanagere during 5- 6th October, 2007.
- Presented a paper on the topic ‘Tribological characterization of Fly ash reinforced Alluminium alloy (Al 6061) composites’ in the International conference on MEMS-08 held at Anjuman Engineering College, Bhatkal during 22nd – 23rd October, 2008.
- Presented a research paper in the International Conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (FIME 2010) at NITK, Suratksl, from 20th – 22nd May, 2010.
- A Technical paper titled “Automatic Colour and Material Identification and Sorting of Objects using Arduino” in National Conference on Progresses and Research in Mechanical Engineering (PRIME -2016) held at SDMCET, Dharwad on 09.09.2016.
Phone Number: 9964 319 082
Other Achievements: He has obtained a research grant from ARDB, DRDO worth 6.603 lakhs.
Dr. Kalameshwar N Patil (Associate Professor & Deputy Dean (R&D))
Dr. Kalameshwar N Patil is a associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He did his B. E. from Karnataka University in the year 1995 . He did is M.Tech in Energy systems Engineering from VTU Belagavi and secured 2 nd rank, in the year 2003. He obtained his Ph. D. from Center for Energy studies, IIT Delhi in the year 2015. His areas of interest are: Energy conservation in building, daylighting and ventilation, Renewable Energy Systems,Heat transfer, power plant engineering, solar dryers, thermal engineering.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech, PhD.
- Himabindu N1, K N Patil, Rajashekar P Mandi, Swapna Manasani,Santoshkumar Hampannavar, Venkatesh Murthy B “Wind Potential Assessment of Central Dry Zone of Indian State of Karnataka for Micro Power Generation” International Journal of Advance Science and Technology. Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.4277-4287 4277 ISSN: 2005-4238
- Santoshkumar Hampannavar , K. N. Patil, Swapna Manasani R. Yaragatti Udaykumar, Rajashekar P. Mandi, and C. Nandakumar “Wind Potential Assessment for Micropower Generation in Tropical Wet Climate of India” – published as a chapter in springer book Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering “Recent advances in power systems ” 2020, Page 337
- K.N.Patil, S.C. Kaushik and S.N.Garg “ Performance prediction and assessment of energy conservation potential for a light pipe in Indian Composite Climate of New Delhi” Solar Energy Engineering ASME , Oct.2018 Vol 140/05 1012-1
- Abdus Salam Azad a, Dibakar Rakshit a, *, K.N. Patil “ Model development and evaluation of global and diffuse luminous efficacy for humid sub-tropical region, Renewable Energy, 119, 2018
- Manikanta D and Kalameshwar N. Patil “ A review on energy conservation in buildings by use of Air layers and Phase Change Material” International Journal of Engineering Research And Advanced Technology (IJERAT) DOI: IJERAT.3124 Vol.3 (7) July-2017
- K.N.Patil, S.C. Kaushik and S.N.Garg “ Study of Climatic Potential for Natural Ventilation in Buildings for Typical Indian Cities,” Journal: International Journal of ventilation, Volume:13,Issue:4 Page No: 369-380, Mar 2015
- K.N.Patil, S.C. Kaushik and S.N.Garg “ Qualitative and quantitative assessment of outdoor daylight on vertical surfaces for six climate specific Indian cities” Journal: Cogent Engineering Volume:1Issue:1Edition:1Page No: 1-20, Jan 2015
- K.N.Patil, S.C. Kaushik and S.N.Garg “ Luminous Efficacy Model Validation and Computation of Solar Illuminance for Different Climates of India,” Journal of Renewable Energy Sustainable Energy, volume 5, Issue 6, Volume:5 Page No: 63120 Dec.2013
- S.K.,Philip and K.N.Patil “ Development and Initial Testing of Solar Dryer for Teak Wood Planks” in Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) National Journal (Nov 2003 Vol-2
Book/ Book Chapters:
- Santoshkumar Hampannavar, K N Patil, Swapna Mansani, Udaykumar R.Y, Rajashekar P Mandi, Nandakumar C., ”Wind Potential Assessment for Micropower Generation in Tropical Wet Climate”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, SPRINGER, 2020.(EPREC) Santoshkumar Hampannavar, K N Patil, Swapna Mansani, Udaykumar R.Y, Rajashekar P Mandi, Nandakumar C., ”Wind Potential Assessment for Micropower Generation in Tropical Wet Climate”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, SPRINGER, 2020.(EPREC)
- K.N.Patil, S.C. Kaushik and Ayush Aggarwal ‘Evaluation of Natural ventilation potential for indoor thermal comfort in a low rise building in Arid and Semi-arid Climates of India’ – published as a chapter in springer book Lecture notes in Civil Engineering “Advances and energy and built environment” 2020, page 203.
- Authored a book in kannada language titled “INDHAN KOSHAGALU -BHAVISHYADA SHAKTI MOOLA ” published by PRASARANGA , VTU Belagavi , 2019
Phone Number: 9448 491 882
Other Achievements:
- Presented at international conference on Trends and Recent Advancaes in Civil Engineering TRACE-2020 held online on 20-21st August 2020 at Department of Civil Engineering, Amity University, Uttarapradesh , and own best paper award.
- Delivered 15 guest lecture
- Obtained one Unnath Bharat Project under sanction of Rs. 01 lakh.
Dr. Sunilkumar S Honnungar (Associate Professor)
Experienced faculty with a demonstrated history of working in technical education with good industrial background. Skilled in Mathematical Modelling, Analytical Skills and Finite Element Analysis. Strong education professional with a PhD focused in Handling of Thermal Errors in Machining Centre(PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Qualifications: BE (Mechanical), M.Tech (Design Engineering), P.hD
Phone Number: 9449 041 534
Other Achievements:
- Member, Best Innovative Product in Medical Device Innovations, 2019, held at IIT Bombay
- Green Belt holder, 2018, VLCI (Visionary Learning Community of India, Trained under Furuhasi San of Japan)
- Dr.S.R.Gollapudi Award IIIE 2018, for contributing substantially to the spread of Industrial Engineering Profession & The Institutional Activities.
- Special Award, IIIE 2017 (Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai) for contribution in bridging Industry- Academia patterning for higher education to industry personnel.
Social Links:
Dr. B. H. Vadavadagi (Associate Professor)
Completed B.E. (Mechanical) from BVB College of Engg. & Tech., Hubli (1997); M. Tech. (Production Technology) from Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot (2003) and PhD from IIT Bombay (2015).
Qualifications: P.hD
- B. H. Vadavadagi, S. K. Shekhawat, K. Narasimhan, I. Samajdar, “Forming limit curves in low-carbon steels: improved prediction by incorporating microstructural evolution”, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-8224-6
- V. Basavaraj, S.K. Shekhawat, K. Narasimhan, I. Samajdar, ‘Constrained tensile stretching of steel strips under different lubrication: predicting macroscopic strain distributions with microstructural inputs’, Int. J. Mater. Form. 8(2015):327-339
- Vadavadagi BH, Shekhawat SK, Narasimhan K, Samajdar I (2014) Improved prediction of strain distribution during mechanical and hydro-mechanical deep drawing processes using microstructure-based dynamic strain hardening and anisotropy. Int J Strain Anal for Engg Des 50(1):51-60
Phone Number: 9739 698 180
Dr. P. S. Shivakumar Gouda (Associate Professor)
Dr. Shivakumar Gouda is currently working as Associate Professor and coordinator PG Program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka India. He holds his M.Tech in Machine Design and B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India, in 2005 and 2003 respectively. He obtained his Ph.D degree in the year 2015 jointly from VTU Belagum and University of Bristol, UK Shivakumar Gouda is an outstanding Teacher, Researcher who rendered more than 17 Years of his Distinguished Service in SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka India. Dr. Shivakumar is a researcher of repute and has more than 50+ Scientific Papers in International Peer Reviewed Journals and conference proceedings to his credit. His work is Indexed and Cited in Various Peer Reviewed Journals with H-index = 9 (293 CITATIONS). He has successfully Guided 20 Students for M.Tech Degree and supervising 4 students for their PhD degree under VTU. He is also a Member –Board of Studies, Mechanical Engineering, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. Member –Board of Examination (BOE), Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum. Acting as Advisory Committee and Review committee Member for the International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Applications (IConAMMA-2019) and International conference on Smart Materials and Applications (SMA- 2019). Recently he has appointed as Member – Committee of Research collaborations and MoUs, SDM University, Dharwad He has also travelled countries like, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, France, South Korea and Portugal, for presenting research papers and Invited talks in conferences. He is Member of Professional bodies namely Life Member of ISTE, and International Association of Engineers (IAENG).
Qualifications: M.Tech, PhD, CDF-UK
- P S Shivakumar Gouda Crack Suppression by Natural Fiber Integration for Improved Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Fiber Hybrid Composites. Journal of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2022 (Accepted).
- P S Shivakumar Gouda Investigations of Residual stresses in FRP composite by Relaxation techniques – An experimental approach. Elsevier Materials Today, 2021
- P S Shivakumar Gouda Do Pseudo Ductility and its Mechanisms in FRP Hybrid Composites Provide Better Mechanical Properties?. Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 2021. (Accepted).
- P S Shivakumar Gouda, Umarfarooq MA, Anil Shirahatti, G B Veeresh Kumar. Effect of Ply Orientation on Residual Stresses and Their Influence on Mode I Fracture Toughness of Glass-Epoxy Composites with 0°//0° Crack Interface. Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 2021. (Article in Press)
- P S Shivakumar Gouda, Umarfarooq M A, , G B Veeresh Kumar, K G Kodancha. An Assessment on Residual Stress Measurement in FRP Composites Using Relaxation Techniques. Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 18(3), Pp: 1-15, 2021.
- P S Shivakumar Gouda Understanding the impact of fiber orientation on mechanical, interlaminar shear strength, and fracture properties of Jute-Banana Hybrid Composite Laminates. Polymer Composites, Wiley Publishers, First published online: 04 August 2021.
- P S Shivakumar Gouda An Assessment of Utilizing Natural Fibers for the Development of High-Performance Fiber Hybrid Composites for Mechanical and Fracture Toughness Properties. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 14 (23), Pp: 1993 – 2004, 2021
- P S Shivakumar Gouda Improved mechanical properties of Jute-Banana Fiber PF Composites through Low Cost Portable Hot Pressing Machine. ASTM Material Performance and Characterization, 10(1), Pp: 49-65, 2020.
- Veeresh kumar G B and P S Shivakumar Gouda Development and experimental evaluation of titanium diboride particulate reinforcements on the Al6061 alloy composites properties. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. Taylor and Francis online 2020,
- Umarfarooq M A, P S Shivakumar Gouda , Veeresh kumar G B, N R Banapurmath, Abhilash Edacherian. Impact of Process Induced Residual Stresses on Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Carbon Epoxy Composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 127, 2019
- Jyoti V Vastrad, Arthur Wilkinson, P S Shivakumar Gouda. Influence of Kenaf and GO on Interlaminar Radial Stresses in Glass/Epoxy L-Bend Laminates. SN Applied Sciences, Springer Nature 1:93. 2019.
- B. H. Maruthi Prashanth, T. S. Manjunath, P. S. Shivakumar Gouda. Physico-mechanical response of phenolic resin composites reinforced with jute and banana fibers. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2057, 020016. 2019.
- M. A. Umarfarooq, P. S. Shivakumar Gouda, Archana Nandibewoor. Determination of residual stresses in GFRP composite using incremental slitting method by the aid of strain gauge. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2057, 020038. 2019
- Jyoti V Vastrad, Arthur Wilkinson, P S Shivakumar Gouda. Interlaminar stresses in Glass-Cellulose Epoxy L Bend Hybrid Composite. Materials Today: Proceedings. Elsevier Ltd. Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 24846–24853. 2018.
- Anant Joshi, Santosh Savnur, Vinayak S Uppin, P.S.Shivakumar Gouda. Viscoelastic Behavior of Cellulose Coated Glass/Kevlar Epoxy Composite Laminates using Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer. Materials Today: Proceedings. Elsevier Ltd. Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 25486–25493. 2018.
- P.S. Shivakumar Gouda, K.S. Srikanth, Rajesh Anwal, N.K. Rakeshshanthkumar, G.B. Veeresh Kumar, R. Pramod. Thermal and Vibrational Characteristics of Single Point Cutting Tool on Aluminum and Wrought Carbon Grade B (WCB) Samples. Materials Today: Proceedings. Elsevier Ltd. Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 11423–11429. 2018
- Shivakumar Gouda P S, Chatterjee, V., Siddaramaiah, Barhai, P., and G. B., V., “Fracture Toughness of Glass Epoxy Laminates Using Carbon Nano Particles and ETBN Rubber,” Materials Performance and Characterization, Vol. 6, No. 1, , pp. 488-499, 2017,
- Veeresh Kumar G B, P.S.Shivakumar Gouda Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 reinforced Al6061 Composites .Accepted for Intl. J. of Advanced Composites Letters is indexed in Scopus with Impact Factor of 0.422 (Thomson Reuters). Volume 26, Issue 1, pp.18-23, 2017
- Ashok, Vinayak S Uppin, Deepak S Huddar, Krishanaraj Kodancha, I. Sridhar and P. S. Shivakumar Gouda. Investigation on pseudo-ductility to improve mechanical behavior of Glass-Cellulose Epoxy composites. Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Science Journal is indexed in Scopus , 149 (2016), pp.21-32
- Arun Huddar, Abhilash Desai, S K Kudari, Sharanaprabhu, and P.S. Shivakumar Gouda. Studies on effect of variation in pre-crack lengths on Inter-laminar fracture toughness of a Glass Epoxy laminated composite. Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Science Journal is indexed in Scopus , 149 (2016), pp.01-05
- Vinayak S Uppin, Ashok, I. Sridhar and P. S. Shivakumar Gouda. Interlaminar fracture toughness in glass-cellulose reinforced epoxy hybrid composites. Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Science Journal is indexed in Scopus., 149 (2016), pp.11-20
- Santoshakumar Sanganal, Srinivas Rao Ratnala and P S Shivakumar Gouda. Design, analysis and testing of x-ray tube for next generation x-ray machines. Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Science Journal is indexed in Scopus, 149 (2016), pp.01-10
- Tajammul Hussain M, P.S. Shivakumar Gouda, Krishnaraja. G. Kodancha, I.G. Siddhalingeshwar. Effect of Alcoholic Treated MWCNT on Tensile Behavior of Epoxy Composite. Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology. Multi Craft, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2016, pp. 57-63.
- P.S.Shivakumar Gouda, John Williams, Mehdi Yasaee, Dayananda Jawali, Sameer Rahatekar, Michael Wisnom. Draw Down Pre-Preg Coating Method using Epoxy Terminated Butadiene Nitrile Rubber to Improve Fracture Toughness of Glass Epoxy Composites. Journal of Composite Materials. Vol. 50 (7), pp.873-884. 2015. SAGE Publications.
- P.S.Shivakumar Gouda, Vijay Chatterjii, P.K Bharhi, Dayananda Jawali, Sameer Rahatekar, Michael Wisnom. Improved fracture toughness in carbon fibre epoxy composite through novel pre-preg coating method using Epoxy Terminated Butadiene Nitrile rubber. Materials and Design (Elsevier), 62, pp.320–326. 2014.
- P.S Shivakumar Gouda, S.C Galaveen, Siddaramaiah, Dayananda Jawali. Effect of Glass/Nylon Coated Aluminum Fibers on Torsional Properties of Epoxy Polymer Composite Shafts. Malaysian Polymer Journal, 9(1), pp. 33-38, 2014.
- P.S.Shivakumar Gouda, Krishnaraja G. Kodancha, Siddaramaiah, Dayananda Jawali. Experimental and numerical investigations on fracture behavior of high silica glass/satin textile fiber reinforced hybrid polymer composites. Adv. Mat. Lett. 4(11), 827-835, 2013, Sweden, VBRI Press.
- P.S.Shivakumar Gouda, Raghavendra, S.N Kurbet and Dayananda Jawali, “Effects of MWCNTs and Graphene on the mechanical Properties of hybrid polymer composites” Adv. Mat. Lett. 4(4), 261-270, 2013, Sweden, VBRI Press.
- P.S.Shivakumar Gouda, S.K.Kudari, Prabhu Swamy.S, and N. Dayananda Jawali, Fracture Toughness of Glass-Carbon (0/90)S Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite – An Experimental and Numerical Study. ISSN: 1539-2511, Intl. J of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, 10(8), pp.671 to 682, printed in USA, 2011.
- Shivanand Galaveen & P.S.Shivakumar Gouda. F E Analysis of SCF, Deflection in Isotropic and Orthotropic Rectangular Plates with a Circular Hole near the Edge of the Plate under Transverse Loading. ISSN: 2231-0347, Intl. J Advances in Eng, Sci. and Tech.,1(3), pp 733 -736, 2011.
- P.S.Shivakumar Gouda, Prabhu Swamy.S, and N. Dayananda Jawali, Experimental Investigation of Mode 1 Fracture Behavior of Glass/Aramid Fibers filled polystyrene Polymer Composite. Intl. J of Emerging Technologies in Eng. Sci. and Tech., ISSN: 0974-3588 3(2), pp 82-87, 2010.
- P.S.Shivakumar Gouda, J.V.Ravishankar, and N. Dayananda Jawali, “Fracture Property Characterization of Glass/Aramid Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Composite” in International Journal of contemporary Engineering Science and Technology (IJCEST), ISSN No: 0976-6839, 1 pp 29-37, 2010.
Phone Number: 9448 981 504
Other Achievements:
- Research Consultant – Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2021.
- Recognition as Scientist (From 2019) by University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad for Post Graduate Studies at Department of Textile and Apparel Designing, University of Agricultural Science Dharwad, India.
- UK Commonwealth Doctoral Fellowship -2012. (First to receive as per our University records, India).
- Reviewer Recognition 2016 and 2020 from Journal of Composites Part-B and A, Elsevier Publications.
- Young Scientist 2006 from Swadeshi Vijanana Andolana, Bengaluru, India
- Best Paper Presentation at National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (README-2005), P.A.College of Engineering, Mangalore, India
- Recently Biography was appeared in “Marqus Who is Who in the World” 2016, publication
- Principal Investigator for DRDO ARDB funded research grant of Rs. 6.66 Lakhs and AICTE research grant of Rs. 17.67 Lakhs and UAS, grant of Rs. 1.5 Lakhs.
Social Links:
Prof. Sateesh K. A. (Assistant Professor)
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering, Immediately after completion Joined as a Mechanical Engineer Technical Services in M/s Veena Mechatronics, Bangalore, and deputed to Indonesia on a project. After one-year of service joined M/s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore, as a Design Engineer in the Helicopter Design Bureau Division then shifted to Information Technology domain served in various organizations as Software Engineer and a Technical Consultant till July 2002. • Worked in more than one country and exposed to International work environments. Adaptable to diverse business practices and cultures. • Possess good communication skills and analytical cross-functional experience. • At present Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology since Sep 2002 and coordinator for central CAD facility under TEQIP. Since 2010 to till date, in addition to regular academic actives given an opportunity and responsibility to look after overall function of SDMCET hostels as Chief Warden.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Sc.
- K. A. Sateesh et al., Utilization of biodiesel/Al2O3 nano particles for combustion behavior enhancement of a diesel engine operated on dual fuel mode, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Springer publications,
- K. A. Sateesh et al., Influence of hydrogen and exhaust gas recirculation on the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine operated on dual fuel mode using dairy scum biodiesel and low calorific value gas, Materials Today, Elsevier publications,
Phone Number: 9986 660 550
Dr. V. S. Yaliwal (Assistant Professor)
Dr. V. S. Yaliwal, Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering. He did his B. E. from BVB college of Engineering and Technology, Hubli, Karnataka. He has completed PG from the same institution in Energy Engineering. He obtained his Ph. D from Visvesvaraya Technical University (VTU), Belgaum. His areas of interest are Thermodynamics, Renewable energy. CFD, Internal combustion Engines, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech, PhD.
- Production and utilization of renewable and sustainable gaseous fuel for power generation applications: A review of literature, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Elsevier publications. Volume 34, June 2014, Pages 608-627.
- Effect of manifold and port injection of hydrogen and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in dairy scum biodiesel – low energy content gas-fueled CI engine operated on dual fuel mode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier publications.2021, ://
- Simultaneous optimization of multiple operating engine parameters of a biodiesel- producer gas operated compression ignition (CI) engine coupled with hydrogen using response surface methodology, Renewable Energy, Elsevier publications. Volume 139, August 2019, Pages 944-959.
- Utilization of hydrogen in low calorific value producer gas derived from municipal solid waste and biodiesel for diesel engine power generation application. Renewable Energy, Elsevier publications. Volume 99, December 2016, Pages 1253-1261.
- Effect of nozzle and combustion chamber geometry on the performance of a diesel engine operated on dual fuel mode using renewable fuels. Renewable Energy, Elsevier publications. Volume 93, August 2016, Pages 483-501. rights and content
- Combustion and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated on dual fuel mode using renewable and sustainable fuel combinations. SN Applied Sciences, Springer publications, 3:24, 2021.
- Influence of hydrogen enriched producer gas (HPG) on the combustion characteristics of a CRDI diesel engine operated on dual-fuel mode using renewable and sustainable fuels. Fuel, Elsevier publications. Volume 270, 15 June 2020, 117575.
- Utilization of biodiesel/Al2O3 nano particles for combustion behavior enhancement of a diesel engine operated on dual fuel mode. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021.
- Renewable and sustainable fuel production from woody biomass, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, CSIR, 22, No 1-2 (2015)
- Effect of Wood Type and Carburetor on the Performance of Producer Gas-Biodiesel Operated Dual Fuel Engines, Waste and Biomass Valorization. Springer publications, ISSN 1877-2641. Volume 2. Number 4, 2011. 403-413. DOI 10.1007/s12649-011-9083-5
- Combustion characteristics of a 4-stroke CI engine operated on Honge oil, Neem and Rice Bran oils when directly injected and dual fuelled with producer gas induction. Renewable Energy, Elsevier publications. Volume 34, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 1877-1884.
- Factors Affecting Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass (Calliandra calothyrsus). Waste and Biomass Valorization, Springer publications. DOI 10.1007/s12649-014-9305-8
- Multiple Optimizations of Engine Parameters of Single-Cylinder Four-Stroke Direct Injection Diesel Engine Operated on Dual Fuel Mode Using Biodiesel-Treated and Untreated Biogas Combination. Advances in IC Engines and Combustion Technology, Springer Nature, Springer publications, pp 765- 793.
- Experimental Studies on RCCI Engine Powered with n-Butanol and Thevetia Peruviana Methyl Ester. Springer Nature. Springer publications, Techno-Societal 2020, pp 97-106.
- Hydrogen Injection in a Dual Fuel Engine Fueled with Low-Pressure Injection of Methyl Ester of Thevetia Peruviana (METP) for Diesel Engine Maintenance Application. Energies, MDPI, 2020, 13, 5663; doi:10.3390/en13215663
- Effect of Injection Timing and Injection Duration of Manifold Injected Fuels in Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Engine Operated with Renewable Fuels. Energies, MDPI, 14, 2021, pp 2-18.
- Experimental studies on performance and emission characteristics of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine operated with gasoline and Thevetia Peruviana biodiesel, Renewable Energy, Elsevier publications. Volume 160, November 2020, Pages 865-875.
- Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources Derived From Biodiesel and Low Energy Content Producer Gas for Rural Electrification Energy from Toxic Organic Waste for Heat and Power Generation, Wood head Publishing Series in Energy, Elsevier publications, 2019, Pages 151-194.
- Experimental investigation on compression ignition engine powered with pentanol and thevetia peruviana methyl ester under reactivity controlled compression ignition mode of operation, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier publications. Volume 25, June 2021, 100921.
- Effect of compression ratio, CNG flow rate and injection timing on the performance of dual fuel engine operated on honge oil methyl ester (HOME) and compressed natural gas (CNG). Renewable Energy, Elsevier publications. Volume 93, August 2016, Pages 579-590.
- Effect of injection parameters and producer gas derived from redgram stalk on the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier publications. Volume 60, Issue 3, June 2021, Pages 3133-3142.
- Honge oil methyl ester and producer gas-fuelled dual-fuel engine operated with varying compression ratios, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2013.DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2013.837108
- Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a single-cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection diesel engine operated on a dual-fuel mode using Honge oil methyl ester and producer gas derived from biomass feedstock of different origin, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. Taylor and Francis publications. 2013.
- Fuel efficiency improvement of a dual-fuel engine fuelled with Honge oil methyl ester (HOME)–bioethanol and producer gas, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2013. DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2013.843038
- Production of renewable and sustainable fuel from Calliandra calothyrsus and its utilisation in compression ignition engines, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2013.DOI:10.1080/19397038.2013.801530
- Effect of bioethanol and thermal barrier coating on the performance of dual fuel engine operating on Honge oil methyl ester (HOME) and producer gas induction, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2015. DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2014.1001466
- Life improvement programme of producer gas–biodiesel operated dual fuel engines, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2012.DOI:10.1080/19397038.2012.666294
- Effect of injection timing, injector opening pressure and nozzle geometry on the performance of a compression ignition engine operated on non-edible oil methyl esters from different sources, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2013. DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2013.777134
- Blends of karanja and jatropha biodiesels for diesel engine applications, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2012. DOI:10.1080/19397038.2011.652220
- Effects of compression ratio, swirl augmentation techniques and ethanol addition on the combustion of CNG–biodiesel in a dual-fuel engine, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2013. DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2013.798712
- Effect of hydrogen addition to CNG in a biodiesel-operated dual-fuel engine, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2014. DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2014.963001
- Dual fuel engines fueled with three gaseous and biodiesel fuel combinations, Biofuels, Taylor and Francis publications. 9:1, 2018. 75-87, DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2016.1257316
- Fuel efficiency enhancement of modified diesel engine operated in dual fuel mode using renewable and sustainable fuels, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2019.1608331
- Comparative study of various biofuel combinations derived from agricultural residues on the performance and emissions of CI engine, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor and Francis publications. 2020. 13:2, 140-150, DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2019.1634774
- Effect of engine variables on combustion characteristics of a dual fuel engine powered by neem oil methyl ester and producer gas, International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor and Francis publications. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2019.1696889
- Performance and emission characteristics of a CNG-Biodiesel dual fuel operation of a single cylinder four stroke CI engine IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018), pp 1-18. 012028 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012028
- Effect of combustion geometry on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of CI engine using simarouba oil methyl ester. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018), pp 1-11. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012001
- Comprehensive studies on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) doped with MWCNTs and CNFs Nano composite membranes for fuel cells applications. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering IOP Publishing, 2021. Pp 1-9. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1070/1/012090
- Effect of Combustion Chamber Shapes on the Performance of Duel Fuel Engine Operated on Rice Bran Oil Methyl Ester and Producer Gas. Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology. ISSN: 2157-7463
- Performance, Emission Characteristics of Dual Fuel Engine Fuelled with Brown Briquette Biomass and Rice bran Oil Biodiesel. International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems. Mech Aero Foundation for Technical Research & Education Excellence.12 (4), 2018, 405-412 doi: 10.4273/ijvss.12.4.10, 2020.
- Effect of Injection Timing on Performance, Combustion and Emission characteristics of Dairy scum methyl esters in Common Rail Direct Injection Engine. International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Mech Aero Foundation for Technical Research & Education Excellence.12 (1), 2018. 378-386 doi:
- Influence of Combustion Chamber Geometry on the Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine Operated on Renewable and Sustainable Fuel Derived from Diary Scum Waste. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, 2019 2429- 2439
- Effect of injection timing and compression ratio on the performance of LPG- home biodiesel dual fuel engine. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Special Issue: ICERTSD 2013, pages xxx-xxx. ISSN 2250-2459
- Effect of Producer Gas from Redgram Stalk and Combustion Chamber Types on the Emission and Performance Characteristics of Diesel Engine, Energies, MDPI, 14, 2021, 5879. PP 1-17.
- Effect of piston and cylinder head swirl generation techniques on the performance of ceiba pentandra and nigella sativa B20 biodiesel blended diesel engine operation. Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier publications. xxx (xxxx) xxx,
- Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine operated on diverse modes using renewable and sustainable fuels derived from dairy scum and municipal solid waste, Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier publications. xxx (xxxx) xxx,
- Experimental investigation on the effect of gaseous fuels energy share on reactivity controlled compression ignition mode of combustion operated with gaseous fuels and liquid fuels. Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier publications.
- Design optimization of strain gauge mounting cross section length of strain gauge balance component for wind tunnel application, Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier publications. xxx (xxxx) xxx,
- Effect of CNG and CBG as low reactivity fuels along with diesel and TPME as high reactivity fuels in RCCI mode of combustion by varying different loads. Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier publications. xxx (xxxx) xxx,
- Effect of injection timing on the performance of Ceiba Pentandra biodiesel powered dual fuel engine. Materials Today: Proceedings. Elsevier publications. xxx (xxxx) xxx,
Text book and book chapters: 06
Phone Number: 9242 896 639
Other Achievements:
- Received VGST Grant of Rs. 20 lakhs under K-FIST(L1).
- Received VGST Grant of Rs. 02 lakhs to conduct FDP.
- Received project fundings of total Rs. 90.00 thousand from KSCST under different Student Project Program.
- Reviewer for reputed journals (International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Renewable Energy, Fuel, Energy, Thermal Engineering and Taylor and Francis).
Prof. S. G. Hungund (Assistant Professor)
Prof. S. G. Hungund is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Completed B.E. from BVBCET, Hubli. Obtained M.Tech from VTU Belagavi. Areas of interest are Engineering Graphics, Welding Technology and Non Conventional Machining Processes.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
Phone Number: 9742 360 061
Prof. Shankar Daboji (Assistant Professor)
Studied in BEC Bagalkot under Karnataka University Dharwad, Completed M.Tech under VTU Belgaum in BVB College of Engineering and Technology Hubli in Energy Systems Engineering. My interest in research is Solar energy, Heat transfer & Refrigeration, and air conditioning.
Qualifications: M.Tech
- “Multiple Optimizations of Engine Parameters of Single-Cylinder Four-Stroke Direct Injection Diesel Engine Operated on Dual Fuel Mode Using Biodiesel-Treated and Untreated Biogas Combination”. In: Gupta A., Mongia H., Chandna P., Sachdeva G. (eds) Advances in IC Engines and Combustion Technology. NCICEC 2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- “Production of Renewable Liquid Fuels for Diesel Engine Applications – A Review” in Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology, Journal of Selected Areas in Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE), January Edition, 2011
- “Production and Utilization of Renewable Liquid Fuel in a Single Cylinder Four Stroke Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engine “in International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5938-5948
Phone Number: 9964 118 088
Other Achievements:
- Presently having a UNAT Bharath Abhiyan project for community services.
Dr. Suneel Ramachandra Joshi (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Suneel Ramachandra Joshi is graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Gulbarga University in the year 1988 with Master of Engineering (Production Management) from Karnataka University in the year 1992. He obtained Doctor of Philosophy ( Mechanical Engineering Science) from VTU,Belagavi in the year 2018. He is having around 16 years of Industrial experience and 13 years of teaching experience. He had published 10 International journal Papers and presented 3 papers in international conferences.
Qualifications: B.E ( Mechanical Engineering), .M.E(Production Management), Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering Science)
- Suneel Ramachandra Joshi ,Dr. Jagadeesh P Ganjigatti,Sameer Kulkarni,“Application of statistical and soft computing based modeling and optimization techniques for various welding processes” a review International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET),Vol. 3 Issue 4 March 2014,PP.375-383
- Sameer Kulkarni,Dr. Jagadeesh P Ganjigatti,Suneel Ramachandra Joshi,A review on “Effect of welding parameters on mechanical properties for Aluminum alloys using MIG welding”Vol. 4 Issue 1 May 2014,PP.224-227
- Suneel Ramachandra Joshi ,Dr. Jagadeesh P Ganjigatti,”Simultaneous optimization of multiple quality characteristics in TIG welding of AA5083; H111 Aluminum Alloy using Response Surface Methodology coupled with composite desirability function”International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 9 (2016) pp 6525-6541
- Suneel RamachandraJoshi *, Dr.J.P.Ganjigatti,”Comprehensive Development and Comparison of two Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Networks for Forward and Reverse Modeling of Aluminum Alloy AA5083; H111 TIG Welding Process”,Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application,ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 5, ( Part -7) May2016, pp.98-111
- Suneel RamachandraJoshi *, Dr.J.P.Ganjigatti,”Assessment of superiority of different Neural Networks in Forward and Reverse Modeling of Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of Aluminum Alloy AA5083; H111″,International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences,December 2016, Volume 4 Issue 12, ISSN 2349-4476,pp:42-49
- Suneel RamachandraJoshi *, Dr.J.P.Ganjigatti,”Application of General Regression Neural Networks for Forward and Reverse Modeling of Aluminum Alloy AA5083; H111 TIG Welding Process and Comparison with Feed Forward Back Propagation, Elman Back Propagation Neural Networks”,International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research,ISSN 2394 – 3386 Volume 4, Issue 2,,February 2017,,pp:16-26
- Dr. Suneel ramachandra joshi, Sharadhi joshi,”Continuous improvement strategy- lifeblood of organizations”,International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub,Volume 02 Issue 11S November 2020,pp:42-46
- Dr. Suneel Ramachandra Joshi, Sharadhi Joshi, “Motivation- How, When and How much in industrial scenario”,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056,Volume: 07 Issue: 10 | Oct 2020,pp:778-782
- Dr. Suneel ramachandra joshi,”Effective leadership-A factor of continuous improvement and innovation for organizational changes”,International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research,ISSN: 2277-7781,Volume: 08 Issue: 10(1),Oct 2019,pp:81-88
- Dr. Suneel Ramachandra Joshi, “TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASED IMPROVEMENT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODOLOGY IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION”,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056,Volume: 06 Issue: 11 | Nov 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072,pp:106-110
Phone Number: 8095 352 004
Prof. Shivanand Galaveen (Assistant Professor)
Academic Background: • M.Tech. (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) Gogte Institute of Technology Belgaum (2005) • Ph.D. (Materials Science) Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (Pursuing) Research Interests: • Carbon nanotube reinforced composites • Advanced structural ceramics and ceramic nanocomposites • Tribology of materials.
Qualifications: B E, M.Tech
- Development of oxidation resistant and mechanically robust carbon nanotube reinforced ceramic composites.
V Verma, S C Galaveen, L Gurnani, T Venkateswaran, A Mukhopadhyay
Ceramics International 46 (13), 21784-21789 - Facile-low temperature route towards development of SiC-based coating on carbon nanotubes for improved oxidation resistance.
Shivanand C. Galaveen, Mahesh K. Satam, Luv Gurnani, T. Venkateswaran, A Mukhopadhyay
Journal of Materials Science 51 (18), 8543–8549 - Torsional Properties Of Glass Nylon Coated Aluminum Fibers Reinforced Epoxy Polymer Composite Shafts.
S C Galaveen, P S Shivakumar Gouda
POLYCON 2014, 69-70 - Effect Of Glass/Nylon Coated Aluminum Fibers On Torsional Properties Of Epoxy Polymer Composite Shafts
D J P S Shivakumar Gouda, S C Galaveen, Siddaramaiah
Malaysian Polymer Journal 9 (No. 1), 33-38 - FE Analysis of SCF, Deflection in Isotropic and Orthotropic Rectangular Plates with a Circular Hole near the Edge of the Plate Under Transverse Loading
Shivanand C Galaveen, P.S. Shivakumar Gouda, DSKK
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences 1 (3), 8-14 - International Conferences:
- Development of CNTs reinforced bulk polycrystalline ceramics, possessing uniform CNTs distribution, via engineered sol-gel based processing route
Shivanand C Galaveen, Mahesh Satam, Sadavijay Vishwanathe. Luv Gurnani, A Mukhopadhyay
Advanced Ceramics and Composites ICACC 2016, Florida, USA - Development of SiC-coated carbon nanotubes with improved oxidation resistance as stand-alone and as reinforcement in bulk polycrystalline Al2O3
42nd International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Florida, USA , 21-26,Jan 2018
Phone Number: 9449 041 534
Other Achievements:
- Member, Best Innovative Product in Medical Device Innovations, 2019, held at IIT Bombay
- Green Belt holder, 2018, VLCI (Visionary Learning Community of India, Trained under Furuhasi San of Japan)
- Dr.S.R.Gollapudi Award IIIE 2018, for contributing substantially to the spread of Industrial Engineering Profession & The Institutional Activities.
- Special Award, IIIE 2017 (Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai) for contribution in bridging Industry- Academia patterning for higher education to industry personnel.
Social Links:
Dr. Sudheendra G. Bindgi (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Sudheendra g. Bindgi is a faculty in the department of mechanical engineering since 15 years. He obtained his bachelor’s degree and Masters degree from VTU, Belagavi, Karnataka. His area of research interest are advanced machining processes, laser conditioning of grinding wheels, sensors for condition monitoring, industrial metrology.
Qualifications:B.E. – Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech-Production Management
PhD: IIT Madras-2022.
- Journals:
Sudheendra Bindgi and Ramesh Babu N. – “Role of surface topography of On-line laser dressed Aluminum oxide wheel on its performance in internal grinding of bearing steel parts”, International journal of Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 119, 2019 pages-1-16. - Presentations in international conferences:
- Sudheendra Bindgi, Ramesh Babu N. , “Performance of Laser dressed wheels in internal grinding of bearing steel,”, Proceedings of 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016), COE-Pune, India, Pages 511-514.
- Sudheendra Bindgi, Ramesh Babu N. ,“Influence of Grain exposure on performance of Laser dressed wheels in internal grinding”, Proceedings of 13th Asia pacific conference on materials processing, UNSW Sydney, Australia, Pages-177-193.
Phone Number: 9940 511 455
Dr. Jayaraj Y. Kudariyavar (Assistant Professor & Deputy Dean CIII)
Dr. Jayaraj Y. Kudariyavar is a Assistant professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering. He completed both B. E. and M.Tech from U.B.D.T. college of Engineering, Davangere. He did his PG in Thermal Engineering and Systems Technology. He obtained his Ph. D from Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai and he carried out his research work at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai under Prestigious DAE Graduate Fellowship(DGFS-PhD) scheme. His areas of interest are Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD), Thermodynamics, Cryogenics. Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Research in Thermal Sciences, Gas Turbines, Natural convection systems and Nuclear Engineering.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech, PhD.
- Jayaraj Yallappa Kudariyawar, Abhijeet Mohan Vaidya, Naresh Kumar Maheshwari, Polepalle Satyamurthy, Computational study of instabilities in a rectangular natural circulation loop using 3D CFD simulation, International journal of Thermal Sciences, 101 (2016), 193-206.
- Jayaraj Yallappa Kudariyawar, Abhishek Kumar Srivastava, Abhijeet Mohan Vaidya, Naresh Kumar Maheshwari, Polepalle Satyamurthy, Computational and Experimental Investigation of Steady state and Transient Characteristics of Molten Salt Natural Circulation Loop, Applied Thermal Engineering, 99 (2016), 560-571,
- A. K. Srivastava, Jayaraj Y. Kudariyawar, A. Borgohain, N. K. Maheshwari, P. K. Vijayan, Experimental and theoretical studies on the natural circulation behaviour of molten salt, Applied Thermal Engineering, 98 (2016), 513-521.
- J. Y. Kudariyawar, A. M. Vaidya, N. K. Maheshwari, P. Satyamurthy, A. K. Srivastava, Estimating Steady state and Transient characteristics of Molten Salt Natural Circulation Loop using CFD, KERNTECHNIK 80 (1) (2015), 20-31. DOI 10.3139/124.110478
- Jayaraj Yallappa Kudariyawar, Abhijeet Mohan Vaidya, Naresh Kumar Maheshwari, Polepalle Satyamurthy, Abhishek Kumar Srivastava and Babulu Mohan Lingade, Investigation on heat transfer behaviour of molten salt natural circulation loop using numerical simulations, Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Power Generation Technology, 5:5 (2016), DOI: 10.4172/2325-9809.1000165
- Abhishek Kulkarni, Sachinkumar Revankar, Jayaraj Yallappa Kudariyawar, V.V. Katti, Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure drop characteristics by using twisted tapes of different twist ratio, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 455 (2018) 012067, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/455/1/012067
Phone Number: 9448 630 541 / 7760 140 541
Other Achievements:
- Received VGST Grant of Rs. 15 lakhs under K-FIST(L1) scheme to carry out research work on “Investigations on Thermal-Hydraulic Behaviour of Inclined Natural Circulation Loop” in the year 2020-21.
- Prestigious DAE Graduate Fellowship (DGFS-PhD) to carry out Full time PhD Programme at BARC Mumbai during the 2011-2016.
- Editorial board member for “International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering” (
- Reviewer for peer reviewed highly reputed international journals (Elsevier, Taylor and Francis and others publishers).
Prof. Aravind Javali (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Aravind Javali is Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Completed B.E. from SDMCET Dharwad. Obtained M.Tech from VTU Belagavi. Areas of interest are Tool Design, Machine Drawing, Theory of Machines, and Engineering Graphics.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
Phone Number: 8095 833 972
Dr. Vijay Kamate (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Vijay S. Kamate is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. He obtained his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from S D M College of Engineering & Technology Dharwad, Master degree in Product Design & Manufacturing from NIE Mysore and Ph.D from VTU, Belagavi, Karnataka, India. He has guided 25 U.G. and 10 P.G. student projects. He has Published 05 papers at International Journal and 02 at conferences. He is a Life member of ISTE and Institute of Engineers.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech, PhD.
- Vijay Kamate and Dr.S.Mohan Kumar, “Ergonomic Assessment of Traditional Weeding Tools Usage and their Management in Indian Agricultural Practices”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2015, Vol-4, 454-458, ISSN: 2278-0181.
- Vijay Kamate and Dr.S.Mohan Kumar, “Implementation of Digital Human Modeling (DHM) and Virtual Ergonomics (VE) for safer Agricultural Activities in India: Case Studies”, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Science-2017 (ICAMS-2017), Hassan, Karnataka, 2017, 177-182, ISSN 2349-6193.
- Vijay Kamate and Dr.S.Mohan Kumar, “Ergonomic Evaluation of Maize Seed Sowing Method in Small Holdings and its Impact on Musculoskeletal Disorders by Using Digital Human Model and Virtual Ergonomics Techniques”, International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 2018, Vol-10, 5056-5060, ISSN: 0975-3710.
- Vijay Kamate and Dr.S.Mohan Kumar, “Anthropometry and Its Significance in Safer Agricultural Activities- A Review Article”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 2018, Vol-8, 1-9, ISSN: 2248-9622.
- Saurabh Suman, Vijay Kamate, S Mohan Kumar and Umakant P Kulkarni “Design and Development of interactive and low cost Autonomous Ergonomic Weed Eliminator”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 1-6, 1189 (2021) 012032.
Phone Number: 9886 970 283
Prof. M. K. Marikatti (Assistant Professor)
Prof. M. K. Marikatti, Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering. He did his B. E. from BVB college of Engineering and Technology, Hubli, Karnataka. He has completed PG from the same institution in Energy Engineering. His areas of interest are Thermodynamics, Renewable energy. Internal combustion Engines, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles and Management and IPR.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
- Hydrogen Injection in a Dual Fuel Engine Fueled With Low-Pressure Injection of Methyl Ester of Thevetia Peruvenia [METP] for Diesel Engine Maintenance Application.
Phone Number: 9886 497 351
Prof. Venkatesh K. Havanur (Assistant Professor)
An academic professional having 26 years of cross functional experience in which 7.5 years in various types of industries and 18.5 years in teaching. Teaching assignments include both undergraduate and postgraduate level. I am an Indian International author of 5 technical books, 3 philosophical books, 1 history book and 1 book chapter. Out of 9 books I published 8 are in International edition and 1 in Indian edition. All 9 books are published in 17 formats. These books are available worldwide. My books have been sold at United States of America (USA), Canada, United Kingdom (UK), Japan, Italy, Brazil and India. Total 1500 pages of original content created with 160000 words. Total people online read count of my books is 3000 pages. All together total 700 copies of books sold worldwide worth 4 lakhs. For my books 10 people have given 5 star ratings and 3 people 4 star ratings. All books together Amazon rating for my books is 4.3/5. Average price of all my kindle books is Rs. 533/-, average price of all my paperback books is Rs. 413/- and average price of all my hardcover books is Rs. 2025/-. I have published 7 international journal papers and 11 conference papers. I have participated in workshops/conferences across India. I have guided 12 post graduate projects. Once traveled to United Arab Emirates (UAE) for college related assignment. An avid user of information technology tools for academic work. Having a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and also post graduate degree both in management and engineering. Also a senior member of IIIE. I am a freelance writer. I have been writing articles since from 7 years. An author of 83 articles published on the professional platform and viewed by 25000 people all over the world, got total 1600 reactions with 1183 followers on LinkedIn. I have been awarded with Bharat Vikas Award for contribution made by me to the society. My articles reach is 25%. I have changed the lives of 10% people. I have handled 14 projects related to engineering and management. I know 4 languages. I stood first rank to the college in the post graduate studies of engineering and secured Gold medal. I have been designated as successful in academics.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
- 5 technical books, 3 philosophical books, 1 history book and 1 book chapter. Out of 9 books he has published 8 in International edition and 1 in Indian edition.
Phone Number:
Prof. Venkatesh P. Pandharikar (Assistant Professor)
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
Phone Number: 9901 298 764
Prof. Sandeep I Akki (Assistant Professor)
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
Phone Number: 9008 182 101
Dr. Abilash Desai (Assistant Professor)
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech. Ph.D.
Phone Number: 9964 840 353
Prof. Vijaykumar R Shivannavar (Assistant Professor)
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
Phone Number: 8861 188 424
Prof. Jayaram Bhat (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Jayaram Bhat is a Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He did his B.E from Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management, Bhatkal. He did his M.Tech from Nitte Minakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore. He is pursuing Ph.D under Vishveshwarya Technical University, Belgaum. His area of interest includes Engineering Economics, Mechanical and Tribological behaviour of materials, Machine learning and Data science.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech.
- Bhat, Jayaram, Richard Pinto and Satyanarayan “A review on effect of alloying elements and heat treatment on properties of Al− Sn alloy.” Materials Today: Proceedings 35 (2021): 340-343.
- Jayaram Bhat and Satyanarayan “Effect of Cooling Medium on Microstructure, Impact and Hardness Properties of Al–15Sn Alloy”. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 1-7.(2019)
- Jayaram Bhat and Satyanarayan “Recent Advances on Al-Sn Alloys with Ternary Alloying Elements”. Crimson Publisher Volume 4 – Issue -3 ISSN No: 2576-8840.(2017)
- Jayaram Bhat and Sagar KC “Study on performance and emission characteristics of lard oil blended biodiesel” International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp: (574-579), ISSN 2348-1218.(2018)
Phone Number: 8050 402 954
Social Links:
Prof. Shivaprasad B. L. (Assistant Professor)
Shivaprasad B L is Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering. He did his B.E. from VCET Puttur. He did his PG From NMAMIT, Nitte in Machine Design. His areas of interests are SOM, FEM and Vibration.
Qualifications: Diploma, BE, M.Tech
Phone Number: 9743 681 481
Other Achievements:
- He has guided K-Tech funded project.
Dr. Vadiraj V Katti (Adjunct Faculty)
Dr. Vadiraj V Katti is Adjunct faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is an Engineering Graduate with 2nd Rank in Mechanical Engineering from PDA College of Engineering and Technology, Kalaburgi, MTech with 1st Rank in Heat Power Engineering from Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal and PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai. He has over 35 years of teaching experience. He has published over 30 research papers in reputed peer reviewed International Journals of high Impact Factor and over 40 Technical papers published in National, International Symposiums, Seminars and Conferences. His field of research is in the area of Thermal and Fluids Engg and Alternate fuels in I C Engines. He is a life member of ISTE, FIE (Institution of Engineers India), Combustion Institute India and Institute of Machines and Mechanisms India. He is a recognized research supervisor of VTU since 2010 and his 03 research scholars are awarded PhD. Dr. Vadiraj V. Katti holds the position of Member, Academic Senate, VTU, Belagavi, 2016 – 2019 and continues for the second term as Member, Academic Senate, VTU, Belagavi, 2019 – 2022 with additional responsibility of Chairman Board of Studies ME Board of VTU.
Qualifications: B.E. M.Tech, PhD.
- Vadiraj Katti and S.V. Prabhu, “Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis of Local Heat Transfer Distribution between Smooth Flat Surface and Impinging Air Jet from a Circular Straight Pipe Nozzle” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 51 (2008) 4480-4495.
- Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Heat transfer enhancement on a flat surface with axisymmetric detached ribs by normal impingement of circular air jet”, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 29 (2008) 1279–1294.
- Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Influence of Spanwise Pitch on Local Heat Transfer Distribution for In-line Arrays of circular jets with Spent Air flow in Two opposite Directions” Experimental Thermal and Fluids Science, 33 (2008) 84-95.
- Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu,“Influence of Spanwise pitch on Local Heat Transfer for multiple Jets with Crossflow”, AIAA. J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 22. No. 4 (2008) 654-668.
- Punneet Gulati, Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Influence of the Shape of the Nozzle on Local Heat Transfer Distribution between Smooth Flat Surface and Impinging Air Jet”, Int. J. Thermal Science, 48 (2009) 602-617.
- Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Influence of streamwise pitch on the local heat transfer characteristics for in-line arrays of circular jets with crossflow of spent air in one direction”, Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer Verlag), (2009) 45:1167–1184
- Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Influence of streamwise pitch on Local Heat Transfer Distribution for in-line arrays of circular jets with spent air flow in two opposite directions”, Experimental Heat Transfer, 22:228–256, 2009 (Taylor & Francis Group, LLC)
- S. Nagesh Yasaswy, Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Heat Transfer Distribution of Semi-cylindrical Concave Surface Impinged by Circular Jet Rows” AIAA. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Vol. 24, No. 4, October–December 2010, 765-776.
- Vadiraj Katti, S. Nagesh Yasaswy, and S.V.Prabhu, “Local Heat Transfer Distribution between Smooth Flat Surface and Impinging Air Jet from a Circular Nozzle at Low Reynolds Numbers” Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer Verlag), 2011, Vol. 47, 237-244
- Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Influence of Pitch on Local Heat Transfer Distribution for Confined Impingement of Multiple Jet Arrays”, International Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2011, 18 (1), 41-53
- Nirmalkumar M., Vadiraj Katti and S.V.Prabhu, “Local heat transfer distribution on a smooth flat plate impinged by a slot jet” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 727–738.
- Vadiraj Katti, Sudheer Reddy and S.V. Prabhu, “Pressure Distribution on a Semi-Circular Concave Surface Impinged by a Single Row of Circular Jets” Experimental Thermal and Fluids Science, 46 (2013) 162–174
- B. M. Angadi, C. R. Hiremath , A.C.Reddy, V. V. Katti, S. A. Kori “Studies on the Thermal Properties of Hypereutectic Al–Si Alloys by Using Transient Method” Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Technology Volume 2, Number 1, (2014) PP 536-544
- C.R.Hiremath,V.V.Katti, RavikiranKadoli, “Experimental Determination of Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity of Clay + Additives – CaCl2 Composite Desiccant” Procedia Materials Science 5 , Science Direct (2014) 188 – 197
- V.V.katti, Adimurthy.M. & Ashwini. .M. Tamagond, “Experimental Investigation on Local Distribution of Wall Static Pressure Coefficient due to Impinging Slot Air Jet on Smooth and Rough Surface”. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Technology, Volume2, Number 1, (2014) Pages 500-508.
- A. S .Malipatil, V.V. Katti, Praveenkumara BM, “Experimental Investigation Of Frictional Loss Estimation In A Square Channel Using Delta Wing Vortex Generators”, International journal of applied Engineering Research, November 2015, Volume 10, pp: 41689-41697
- M. Adimurthy, Venkatesha and Vadiraj V. Katti, “Experimental Study of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Rough Surface Impinged by a Confined Laminar Slot Air Jet” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 5 Issue 06, June-2016, Pages 241-250
- Adimurthy Meda, Vadiraj V. Katti, “Experimental Investigations on the Local Distribution of wall static pressure coefficient Due To an Impinging Slot Air Jet on a Confined Rough Surface” International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, December 2016, Volume 4, Issue 12, Pages 69-78
- Mahesh R.Ingalagi, Vadiraj V.Katti, “Flow characteristics of air in square duct using delta wing vortex generators”, Perspectives in Science (Elsevier) Volume 8, September 2016, Pages 298-300
- Shankar Badiger T.R Anil, V.V.Katti, “Flame Shapes and Heat Transfer Characteristics of an Impinging Flame Jet” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 05 Special Issue : 13 2016 Sep, Pages 115-118
- Shankar Badiger, T. R. Anil and V. V. Katti, “Effects of Reynolds Number and Equivalence Ratio on Flame Shapes”, Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Volume: 12 / Issue: 25, Dec, 2016 Pages: 334 – 337
- Adimurthy Meda · Vadiraj V. Katti, “Local distribution of wall static pressure,and heat transfer on a smooth flat plate impinged by a slot air jet” Heat Mass Transfer, 2017 (Springer Verlag) 53: Pages 611-623
- Adimurthy Meda · Vadiraj V. Katti, “Local distribution of wall static pressure and heat transfer on a rough flat plate impinged by a slot air jet”, Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer Verlag) · Feb. 2017 53(8): pages 1-19
- C.R.Hiremath, RavikiranKadoli, V.V.Katti “Experimental and theoretical study on dehumidification potential of clay-additives based CaCl2 composite desiccants” Applied Thermal Engineering Volume 129, 25 January 2018, Pages 70-83
- BR Hosamani, VV Katti “Experimental analysis of combustion characteristics of CI DI VCR engine using mixture of two biodiesel blend with diesel”. Engineering science and technology, an International journal 21 (2018) 769-777.
- Basavaraj Hosamani, Vadiraj V Katti. “Investigation of Physico-Chemical Properties of Simaruoba Methyl Ester and Diesel Blends”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (2018) 138-142
- Anilkumar M Hanchinal, Vadiraj V Katti. Effect of oIifice geometry and orifice to test section spacing on distribution of wall static pressure on a convex surface. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 13 (2019) 4835-4845
- AM Hanchinal, VV Katti. “Impingement of coaxial jet on convex element for confined and unconfined flow”. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 14(2020) 6652-6662.
- NG Patil, MA Mujawar, SA Biradar, M Adimurthy, VV Katti. “Influence of spent air confinement on pressure distribution over a flat plate impinged by an array of jets”. International Journal of Ambient Energy (2020) 1-18.
- Shankar Badiger, TR Anil, Vijaykumar Hindasageri, VV Katti. “Heat transfer characteristics of an inverse diffusion flame with induced swirl”. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42 (2020) 252.
- BR Hosamani, SA Ali, Vadiraj Katti – Assessment of performance and exhaust emission quality of different compression ratio engine using two biodiesel mixture: Artificial neural network approach, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021 – Elsevier Volume 60, Issue 1, February 2021, Pages 837-844
- R.J.Talapati V.V.Katti and N.S.Hiremath Local heat transfer characteristics of synthetic air jet impinging on a smooth convex surface International Journal of Thermal Sciences Volume 170, December 2021, 107143
- R.J.Talapati and V.V.Katti Influence of synthetic air jet temperature on local heat transfer characteristics of synthetic air jet impingement International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Volume 130, January 2022, 105796
- Shankar Badiger , Vadiraj V. Katti , Anil R. Tumkur Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Coaxial Inverse Diffusion Flame Jet Impingement with an Induced Swirl International Journal of Heat and Technology Vol. 38, No. 4, December, 2020, pp. 887-894
- Shankar Badiger, V. V. Katti, Vijaykumar Hindasageri & T. R. Anil Effect of Burner Geometry on Heat Transfer Characteristics of an Impinging Inverse Diffusion Flame Jet with Swirl Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering (Springer Publication) volume 45, pages 215–228 (2021)
- Shankar Badiger, V. V. Katti & T. R. Anil “Experimental Investigation Of Heat Transfer Characteristics Of An Inverse Diffusion Flame In A Coaxial Tube Burner For With And Without Swirl” Journal of Thermal Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. xx-xx, November, 2021 (Article in press)
Phone Number: 9480 587 316
Other Achievements:
Funding Agency | Research Project | Year | Grant (Rs.) | Ongoing/Completed |
VTU, Belgaum | Local Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Distributions due to Impinging Synthetic Jets | 2010-2014 | 17.94 Lakh | Completed |
Memberships of Professional Societies:
Sl.No. | Name of the Professional bodies/societies | Membership number |
1. | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | LM 13426 |
2. | Institute of Engineers (India), FIE | F 1268372 |
3. | Combustion Institute (India) | LMC – 904 |
4. | Institute of Machines and Mechanisms (India) | LIFE MEMBER |
Present additional responsibilities:
Member, Academic Senate, VTU, Belagavi, 2016 – 2019
Member, Academic Senate and Chairman Board of studies Mechanical Board, VTU, Belagavi, 2019 – 2022
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