Suryamitra Program

Suryamitra is Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi’s most ambitious program. The dream of our Prime Minister of India is to empower India by generating 100 GW of green energy by 2022 by tapping the Solar potential. To realize this, a lot of PV technicians are required across India.
Suryamitra is the project launched by the Government of India, through its Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).The responsibility of developing PV solar technology skills has been entrusted to the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) at the Central level and to Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd. (KREDL) at the State level. Our college has been affiliated by MNRE/NISE/SCGJ to develop this skill in the youth of Northern Karnataka.
Department of E&E is looking after the successful running of Suryamitra Training to the youth of Karnataka. So far we have trained 360 Suryamitras. The training program is encouraging, and many solar companies have started recruiting our trainees and most of them are already working in the solar related companies.
Technology Barrier Reduction(TBR) Program
TBR is Technology Barrier Reduction program for school children entering 9th and 10th standard. From the past 5 years our college Center for Industry Institute Interface (CIII) & Dept. of E & E is looking after the successful running of this program. The program is financially supported by Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER), M/s. Zebra Technologies and also supported by Ladder Consultancy Services, Bengaluru.
The objective of this program is to educate a batch of 30 to 40, 8th and 9th standard government rural school children on latest science and technology and thus to reduce the technological barrier between urban and rural children.
“SDM Radio Engineer Swalpa Kelri” is a 5 minute technical talk 100 program series broadcasted in AIR Dharwad at 6.45am and Vivida Bharati at 8 am.
The main objective of this program is to educate the public on latest information on technology and technical gadgets used in daily life. This will highlight all information about the gadget in an interesting way. Faculties from Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical, Computer Science and Chemical Engineering across the college expertise in their relevant fields have delivered talk.
The program was broadcasted during 2015-16 and on public demand is re broadcasted in 2016-17.