National Innovation and Start-up Policy
National Innovation and Start-up Policy
- Year of Establishment: 2019

The ‘National Student and Faculty Startup Policy-2019’ is initiated by MHRD’s Innovation Cell and AICTE. It is a guiding framework to envision an educational system oriented toward start-ups and entrepreneurship opportunities for students and faculties. Our vision is to develop high-quality technical human resources capable of doing cutting-edge research and innovation and deep-tech entrepreneurship.To envision an educational system oriented towards Startups and Entrepreneurship opportunities for student and faculties.
- To provide Startup Ecosystem in the campus
- To support Collaboration, Co-creation, Business Relationships and Knowledge Exchange.
- To facilitate the institute in terms of Intellectual Property (IP) ownership management, technology licensing and equity sharing.
- To encourage students and faculty to consider Startups and Entrepreneurship as a career option.
Expert Committee
Expert Committee |
First Year Timetable – 2023-2024 |
Department Tour
Dr. A. A. Kittur (Professor & Head)
An academician with more than 28 years of teaching experience and 16 years of research experience. Serving in the college as Head of the Department. Obtained PhD degree in the area of polymer membranes and separation science. Published 52 research articles in reputed high impact national and international journals. Has authored two book chapters published in Springer and Elsevier. Recipient of Best paper Award and Best Teacher Award. Participated as a resource person in several symposia and conferences and chaired the sessions also. Received research grants of 26 lakhs from funding agencies like DST, New Delhi and VGST, Bangalore. Research areas of interest are pervaporation, nanomaterials, supercapacitors etc.
Qualifications: Ph D
Phone Number: 9945 258 096
Other Achievements:
- Reviewer for five International Journals viz:
- Journal of Membrane Science, Elsevier Publication, Netherlands
- Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley International, USA.
- Separation Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis.
- High performance Polymers, Elsewier Netharlands.
- Desalination and Separation, Elsewier Netharlands.
- Delivered an invited talk on “Role of Chemistry in Climate Change” in Institution of Engineers, local centre, Dharwad on 13th Nov.2018.
- Successfully completed a research project entitled Electrochemical Energy Storage with Modified Graphene oxide-Conducting Polymer Hybrids, worth Rs. 20 lakhs sanctioned by VGST, Bangalore (K-FIST L1 GRD386).
- Guided a UG project entitled “Electrical and gas sensing studies of polymer nanocomposites” for chemical engineering students, won the Sponsorship by KSCST- of Rs. 7000/- in 2018-19.
- Appointed as member of a subject Expert committee, constituted by Honorable Vice-Chancellor, VTU, Belgavi for promotion, change of AGP under career advancement scheme 2019-20.
- Has participated and successfully completed the online workshop on Universal Human Value on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” during 10-14 August, 2020 as organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
- Completed NPTEL course on Coordination Chemistry conducted by IIT Madras, November 2019. Completed NPTEL course on Academic writing conducted by IIT Madras, November 2019. Completed online course on Chemistry in Everyday life organized by Chemo Academy from 1st October to 30th October 2020. Completed NPTEL course on Introduction to Polymers conducted by IIT Karagpur, November 2020. Completed NPTEL course on Body language conducted by IIT Roorkee, November 2020.
- Has chair the session in 5th International Conference on Advance in Materials Science (online) ICAMS-2020, arranged by Department of physics, Raje Ramrao Mahavidyalaya, Jath on 6-7th June 2020.
- Delivered an invited talk on “Innovations in Science” in Ali Public International School, Dharwad on 28th Feb.2020 in view of national science day as chief guest.
- Has chair the session in second international conference on Advances in science Hub (ICASH-online) organized by the RSP Conference Hub, Coimbatore India on 26th and 27th June 2021.
- Delivered two radio talks in Kannada on Science, Technology and Society and Concentration during student life. Broadcasted on12th October 2021 and 8th Nov.2021.
Dr. Shashidhar (Associate Professor)
Dr. Shashidhar, Presently he is working as Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. He obtained his M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D Degrees from Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi. Prof. Shashidhar held Post-Doctoral positions at Material Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has published more than 50 research articles in National and International journals and he has presented more than 35 research papers in National and International conferences. He received International Travel Grant award (SERC-DST) to Sydney, Australia-2010 under DST Scheme. In addition to this he was undertaken research project sanctioned by Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum. He has produced M.Phil and Ph.D degrees under his guidance to VTU and other University. Research activities currently carried out mainly in the area of Material Chemistry, Thin Film Technology, Nanotechnology, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Coordination Chemistry.
Qualifications: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph D
- A Survey on COVID-19 pandemic in Karnataka State, India, 2022, Volume 2
- Solid state synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of silver doped nanosized metal oxides, Current Chemistry Letters 12 (2023) 821–830
- Thermal and morphological studies of chitosan and agar-agar blends, Current Chemistry Letters 12 (2023) 375–382
- Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications, JCBPS; Section B; August 2022 to October 2022, Vol. 12, No. 4; 410-422.
- Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, Volume 11(1), Year 2021, Pages 8087-8095.
- International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES), Volume 9(12), Year 2021, Pages 35-41.
- Journal of Nanomedicine, Volume 4(2), Year 2021, Pages 1044.
- The open Covid Journal, Volume 1, Year 2021, Pages.
- Letters in Applied NanoBioscience, Volume 9(3), Year 2020, Pages 1420-1426.
- New Journal of Chemistry, Volume 1039(2), Year 2020, Pages 111.
- Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, Volume 59(7), Year 2020, Pages 753-764.
- Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 32(2), Year 2020, Pages 260-264.
- Heliyon (Elsevier), Volume 5, Year 2019, Pages e02794.
- Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 31(4), Year 2019, Pages 834-838.
- Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences,, Volume 38 (2), Year 2019, Pages 158-171.
- International journal of Current Research, , Volume 10(2), Year 2018, Pages 65995-65999.
- International Journal of Current and Advanced Research, , Volume 6 (2), Year 2017, Pages 8249-8256..
- International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, , Volume 4(2), Year 2015, Pages 2.
- International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, , Volume 6 (1), Year 2015, Pages 41-45.
- International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, , Volume 5(10), Year 2015, Pages 66-70.
- International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,, Volume . 5(7), Year 2015, Pages 36-45.
- Deccan Journal of Chemistry, Volume 1(1), Year 2014, Pages 18-24.
- Deccan Journal of Chemistry, Volume 1(1), Year 2014, Pages 30-38.
- Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, Volume 1(1), Year 2013, Pages 1-8.
- Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 6(1), Year 2013, Pages 80-84.
- Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 25 (1), Year 2013, Pages 271-276.
- Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 25(2), Year 2013, Pages 1021-1024.
- Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume .25 (1), Year 2013, Pages .405-409.
- Journal of Applicable Chemistry, Volume 2 (5), Year 2013, Pages 1266-1274.
- International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 2013 (2013), Year 2013, Pages Article ID 614628, 10 pages.
- International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 2013 (2013), Year 2013, Pages Article ID: 741269,11 pages.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E: , Volume E69, Year 2013, Pages o61-o66.
- Journal of Metallurgy and Material Science, Volume 54(3), Year 2012, Pages 187-195.
- Journal of Electrochemical Society of India, Volume 59(1-2), Year 2010, Pages 10-16.
- Journal of Electro Chemical Society of India, Volume 58 (3-4) , Year 2009, Pages 84-87.
- Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 82 (13), Year 2008, Pages 2269-2276.
- Journal of Coordination Chemistry,, Volume 61(14), Year 2008, Pages 2274 – 2287.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, Volume 63, Year 2007.
- Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Volume 81(10), Year 2007, Pages 1681–1687.
- Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Volume 60(3), Year 2007, Pages 243-256.
- Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Volume 59 (16), Year 2006, Pages 1847-1856.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E: , Volume E62, Year 2006, Pages o1518-o1519.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E: , Volume E62, Year 2006, Pages o4473-o4475.
- Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, Volume 9 (2), Year 2005, Pages 309-312.
- Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Volume 82, Year 2005, Pages 550-552.
- Synthesis, Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal Organic Chemistry, Volume 34(10) , Year 2004,Pages 1755-1768.
- Journal of Electrochemical Society of India,, Volume 54(2), Year 2004, Pages 56-59.
- Journal of Saudi Chemical. Society; , Volume 8 (3), Year 2004, Pages 457-460.
- Journal of Electrochemical Society of India, Volume 52(2), Year 2003, Pages 39-42.
- Oriental Journal of Chemistry, , Volume 19(2), Year 2003, Pages 469-472.
Phone Number: 9986 971 155
Other Achievements(Awards/ Scholarships):
- International Travel Grant (SERC-DST) to Sydney, Australia-2010 under DST Scheme. International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Held at Sydney Convention and Exbution Centre, Darling Heabour, Sydney (Australia). From 22nd – 26th Feb -20.
- Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) in Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, India. From Nov-2004 to March 2006.
- Junior Research Fellow(JRF), UGC Major Research Project for Three Years in Chemistry Department, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga. From 09.07.2001 to 08.07.2004.
Dr. Asma Tatagar (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Asma Tatagar presently working as a Assistant Professor in the department of Chemistry. She has obtained her master degree in physical chemistry and her M.Phil. from Karnataka University Dharwad. She has obtained her Ph.D. degree from Bharathiar university Coimbatore. She is a recipient of INSc Research Excellence award in 2019. She has attended and presented Research findings in various National and International Seminars, Conference, Workshops and Webinars. She has 14 Research publications in peer reviewed International Journals of high repute. Her thrust area of Research is Chemical kinetics, Nanotechnology in pharmacological studies and Environmental application. She is grantee of VGST project 2021She has obtained teachers appreciation award from All in India Association of Muslim Professionals. She has also authored three books.
Qualifications: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph D
- Elucidating the significance of molecular interaction between sulphur doped zinc oxide nanoparticles and serum albumin using multispectroscopic approach, J Mol Recognit. 2023;e3054.
- “Oxidation of L-tryptophan by Ag(III) complex in alkali media: a kinetic , mechanistic approach” , Main group Chemistry 2009.
- Mechanistic investigation on the oxidation of kinetin by Ag(III) periodate complex in aqueous alkaline media: A kinetic approach , journal of chemical science 2010.
- Oxidation of kinetin by Cu(III) in alkali media : a kinetic and Mechanistic approach, Oxidation Communication , 2014.
- New metal based antimicrobial and anti-tubercular agents with their cytotoxicity evaluation derived from 2amin-5-hydoxy phenyl -1,3,4-thiadiazole., IJRSR 2016
- Analysis of physico chemical parameters of sacred Nuggekeri lake Dharwad, and removal of TDS from water using Natural adsorbent, IRJET, 2017
- Catalysed oxidation of allopurinol by DPC(III) complex in Aq. Alkaline medium: a kinetic approach, WJPR,2017
- Use of Nanoadsorbent and Nanogel for the environmental wastewater treatment, Advanced Science letter, 2018
- Determination of thermodynamic parameters of Ru(III) catalysed oxidation of allupurinol by Cu(III) periodate complex in alkaline media: a kinetic approach, WJPR,2019
- Elimination of Methylene Blue Dye and Cd(III) ions from aqueous solution using Iron oxide nanoparticle : an approach towards remediation of industrial effluent, Pollution Research ,2019
- Study of Induced amplification of antibacterial activity of ciprofloxacin on coupling with ZnONP, Proceedings. 2022; 49: 699-702
- Photocatalytic activity and Antimicrobial application of ZnONP towards remediation of Hospital Waste Water. Proceedings, 2022; 49, 632-637
- Antimicrobic, Cytotoxicity and DNA Cleavage evaluation of silver nanoparticles. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021; 8: 457-461 DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8786
- Fundamental of Biochemistry For second year DMLT course.
- Fundamentals of Chemistry for first year Paramedical course.
- A text book of Operation Theatre and Anaesthesia Technology paper II for second year Diploma.
Phone Number: 9380 520 089
Other Achievements(Awards/ Scholarships):
- Attended one week FDP on “Polymer Composites For Engineering Applications (PCEA-2023)” (blended-mode) held from 22nd to 26th May 2023, conducted by the Department of Chemistry, B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Attended 5 days FDP on Advanced functional materials for science and Engineering , may 2023 Don Bosco Institute of Technology
- Asma M Tatagar Attended and presented a paper in 1st international conference on accelerating innovations in material science 2020 BMSITM, BANGLORE,4-7/08/2020
- Asma M Tatagar Attended National webinar on Repercussions of pandemic on women Tumkur university.12/06/2020
- Asma M Tatagar Attended One day National webinar on Research Methodology and catalysis in chemical science Nesamony memorial Christian college, Marthandam 16/06/2020
- Asma M Tatagar Attended National webinar on Renewable Energy: opportunities and challenge post covid-19 P.C JABINS SCIENCE COLLEGE HUBLI, 25/06/2020
- Asma M Tatagar Attended International Multidisciplinary webinar series-convergence 2020SES College,sreekandapuram,7/06/2020
- Asma M Tatagar International webinar on recent innovations in chemical science KCD, Karnataka University, Dharwad ,5/12/2020
- Asma M Tatagar International webinar on emerging innovations in Biotechnology KCD, Karnataka University, Dharwad, 17/12/2020
- Asma M Tatagar National webinar on Biodiversity conservations and future strategies Gulbarga University,5/06/2020
- Asma M Tatagar Attended and Presented paper entitled “Investigation on solubility and dissolution enhancement of poorly water-soluble glimepiride by using SNEDDS” at Two days National conference on Exploring Innovative Research and Developments in Chemical Science, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, India.1 st and 2 nd March 2019
- Asma M Tatagar Attended FDP on Technical Education and Skill Development in India. SDMCET, Dharwad from 23 rd -25 th January 2019.
- Asma M Tatagar Presented a paper entitled “Synthesis Characterization & pharmacological evaluation of ffew metal-based nanoparticles” in one day national seminar on “Emerging Trends in Chemical Science” March 2018 Jagadguru Tontadarya College , Gadag
- Asma M Tatagar Attended NPTEL workshop conducted on 19 July 2018 at SDMCET, Dharwad
- Asma M Tatagar Attended National Seminar on Frontiers in Nuclear Science for Sustainable development. GGD Arts, BMP Com and SVS Science College, Bailhongal, 7 th September 2018
- Asma M Tatagar Attended training on New methods for the production & Chemical manipulation of 2D Nanomaterials & amp; carbon Nanotubes. New Delhi, India. March 20-30, 2017 10
- Asma M Tatagar Attended & Presented poster at 2 nd International conference on “Recent Advances in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology ICRANN. JNU New Delhi, India19-20 Dec. 2016
Invited talks/ Resource person:
- Prof. Asma M Tatagar invited as a Guest of Honor at Hubballi Inter-School Science Fest on 2 9th Dec 2018.
- Prof. Asma M. Tatagar invited as a Resource person for one day workshop on coordination chemistry at Arts Science & Commerce PU College, Ranebennur on 28.07.2019.
- Prof. Asma M. Tatagar invited as a Resource person for two days Faculty Development workshop for Chemistry Lecturers at Anjuman Arts Science & Commerce PU College, Dharwad on 30 & 31 December 2019.
Prof. Sahana Nayak (Lecturer)
Sahana Nayak obtained her M.Sc with Organic Chemistry as specialization ,from Karnataka University Dharwad. She also obtained her M.Phil. and currently pursuing her research work from VTU Belagavi, in the filed of Energy Storage . She has total experience of about 12 years and her area of research interest are , Green Synthesis of Nano particles, Super capacitors and Battery and Sustainable Energy storage.
Qualifications: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
- Sahana Nayak , Department of Chemistry , SDMCET, Dharwad has published a technical paper entitled,” Binderless nano marigold flower-like structure of nickel sulphide electrode for sustainable supercapacitor energy storage applications”, in the International Journal of Energy Storage(Elsevier-Q1 with impact factor 9.94)
- Sahana Nayak, AA Kittur, Shravankumar Nayak, Nickel phosphide-polyaniline binary composite as electrode material using chitosan biopolymer electrode binder for supercapattery applications, Elsevier, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, ISSN 2214-7853
- Sahana Nayak, A.A. Kittur, Shravankumar Nayak, Green synthesis of Silver-Zirconia composite using chitosan biopolymer binder for fabrication of electrode materials in supercapattery application for sustainable energy storage, Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2022,100292, ISSN 2666- 0865
- Sahana Nayak, AA Kittur, “Synthesis and Processing Analysis of Polymers for Biomedical Applications”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , Volume 9, Issue 4, April-2018,5 ISSN 2229-5518
Phone Number: 0836 – 2435307
Other Achievements:
- Sahana Nayak , Department of Chemistry , SDMCET, Dharwad has presented a technical paper, in a ‘Three days International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Chemistry’, held at KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi during 2nd to 4th March 2023
- Sahana Nayak, ” Synthesis and Processing Analysis of polymers for biomedical applications ” National Conference on Emerging trends in Science and Engineering-2018 Held at SMVITM, Udupi on 27,28 April 2018
- Sahana Nayak, ” Nickel Phosphide-PANI binary Composite as Electrode Materail using Chitosan Biopolymer Electrode Binder for Super capattery applications”, International Conference on Material Science and Mathematics for advanced Technology -2021, 19th ,20th November 2021 organized by NMAMIT, Nitrte ,Udupi
- Sahana Nayak, “Role of transition metal oxide composites as electrode material in Supercapacitors, “, International webinar on recent innovations in chemical science-2020(IWRICS-2020), held at Karnataka University’s Karnataka Science College, Dharwad, December 2020
- Sahana Nayak, Dr, A A Kittur, ”Role of supercapacitors in Electric vehicles, A Review, National Seminar on Electric Vehicles, March 2018, SDMCET ,Dharwad in association with Institute of Engineers India.
- Sahana Nayak, Dr, A A Kittur, “Review of transition metal oxides as electrode materials for Super capacitor applications,” National Conference on Emerging trends in Science and Engineering, NCETSE-2019, held at SMVIT, Udupi, April 2019
- Sahana Nayak, ”An overview of policies for promotion of electric vehicles in India”, March 2018, SDMCET ,Dharwad in association with Institute of Engineers India
- Sahana Nayak , Department of Chemistry , SDMCET, Dharwad has attended a 7 days national level Faculty Development Program(FDP) on the topic, ‘Outcome based education and essential AI tools for teachers’ , organized by IQAC cell of Carmel College(Autonomous), Mala, Trissur ,Kerala in association with Higher Education Council, Govt. of Kerala during 10th to 18th August 2023.
- Participated in webinar on “IPR: Patent Filling Procedure “on 10.06.2020 conducted by SDMCET Dharwad.
- Participated National Conference on “National Conference on Power System Engineering. NCPSE -2020 ON 1ST & 2nd JULY 2020 organized by SDMCET Dharwad.
- Participated in the webinar on Grading of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite on 29 July 2020 organized by Chennai Institute of Tech Chennai.
- Participated in FDP “THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW” 5days Expert sessions held from 1st may conducted by ICT Academy.
- Participated in international webinar on “From Minerals to Futuristic Function ”on June 10th conducted by ST.Josephs college Bangalore.
- Participated in 3days FDP on Physics Trends in Technology and Research “organized by A.H.C College of Engg on 26-28 June 2020
- Participated in the NPTEL E-Awareness workshop on July 24 ; 2020.
- Participated national webinar organized by Dr.A V Baliga College of Arts and Science on the topic “IMPORTANCE OF CATALYSIS AND ORGANIC SYNTHESIS ;PAST TO FUTURE “ held on 17th August 2020.
- Participated in Five days FDP on ‘Recent Trends in Material Science “ from 2nd -6 th November 2020.
- Participated in webinar on” Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning” organized by SAI VIDYA College BANGALORE ON 21 NOV 2020.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on the topic, “Recent advances in Chemical Science and intellectual property rights” held at Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru, on 25th -29th of October 2021.
- Participated and successfully completed VGST/KSTePS, Government of Karnataka sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Recent Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Recycle” held from 16th -19th November 2021 organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. Karnataka. India
- Delivered a radio talk in Kannada on the topic, “ಆಹಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಲಬೆರಕೆ” ( “Adulteration in food- Care to be taken”) on2-11-2021 broadcasted by AIR Dharwad
- Delivered a talk on “ Role of Super capacitors in Energy Storage System”, in Institute of Engineers India , Dharwad Local Center on 22-12-2020
- Interacted with High school students as a part of Community Service, on the topic , “Environment and students”, on 26th December 2017 and 28th October 2019 at S.N High school, Sanikatta, Gokarna, in Uttara Kannada District
- Conducted science classes for 10th standard students under Village Adaptation Program at Yerikoppa High school in Dharwad Taluk on 6th October 2018 and 16th November 2019.
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No. of Companies Visited