One Day Workshop on Temple Architecture and Engineering Aspects in Renovation
Temple Architecture and Engineering Aspects in Renovation on 6th March 2024.
DVCON Global processor design Contest open to undergraduates, MSc, and PhD students, ran in parallel with the DVCON India Global Design and Verification Conference which was held at Bangolre on 13th and 14th Sept, 2023. The Final year BE students from SDMCET has participated in this event and bagged 2nd runner up. The first prize was won by Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, First runner up was won by University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and second runner up was won by Ms. Akshata D Rokhade, Mr. Amogh P Guddimath and Mr. K Venkat Anish from Department of E&CE, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad under the guidance of Dr. S. V. Viraktamath, Dr. S. S. Mathad and Mentors. The team has received Rs 30,000 as a cash prize. The Principal Dr. K. Gopinath and HOD E&CE Dr. Shreedhar. A. Joshi congratulated the team, Guides and mentors.
E & C teaching staff Interaction with Professor Emeritus Dr. Luca Di Nunzio, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy