Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, established in the year of 1985, is running one undergraduate program B.E. (Computer Science and Engineering), one postgraduate program M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering). The department is recognized as a research center by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. The department is accredited thrice by the National Board of Accreditation.
- Year of Establishment: 1985
- Head of Department: Dr. S. M. Joshi
- NBA Accreditation Status: Academic Years 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 i.e. up to 30.06.2023; Further accredited for Academic Year 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26, i.e., upto 30/06/2026
- Current Intake: 120
- Phone Number: 9036 079 402

To develop competent professionals in the field of Computer Science and Engineering with human values.
- To have contextually relevant curricula in line with industry trends and body of knowledge stated by IEEE/ACM.
- To promote OBE based effective Teaching Learning Practices supported by modern educational tools and techniques.
- To enhance research.
- To involve the industrial expertise for connecting classroom contents to real-life situations.
- To inculcate ethics and soft-skills leading to overall personality development.
PEOs & POs
Programme Educational Objectives(PEOs)
UG – Computer Science & Engineering: PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES (PEOs)
PEO 1 | To prepare students for successful careers in Industry, Research and Institutions of higher learning. |
PEO 2 | To encourage students to work in teams to address industrial and socially relevant problems / projects. |
PEO 3 | To provide students with a sound mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, analyse and solve engineering problems. |
PEO 4 | To promote student awareness and commitment to lifelong learning and professional ethics during the course of professional practice. |
Programme Outcomes(POs)
UG – Computer Science & Engineering: PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs)
Outcomes are the skills and knowledge which the students have at the time of graduation.This will indicate what student can do from subject-wise knowledge acquired during the programme.
PO | Short Title of the PO | Description of the Programme Outcome (PO) Engineering Graduates will be able to: |
PO-1 | Engineering knowledge | Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. |
PO-2 | Problem analysis | Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. |
PO-3 | Design/development of solutions | Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
PO-4 | Conduct investigations of complex problems | Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. |
PO-5 | Modern tool usage | Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. |
PO-6 | The engineer and society | Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. |
PO-7 | Environment and sustainability | Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. |
PO-8 | Ethics | Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. |
PO-9 | Individual and team work | Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. |
PO-10 | Communication | Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. |
PO-11 | Project management and finance | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. |
PO-12 | Life-long learning | Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
UG – Computer Science & Engineering: PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES(PEOs)
PSO-1 | System Inception and Elaboration | Conceptualize the software and/or hardware systems, system components and process/procedures through requirement analysis, modeling /design of the system using various architectural / design patterns, standard notations, procedures and algorithms. |
PSO-2 | System Construction | Implement the systems, procedures and processes using the state-of-the-art technologies, standards, tools and programming paradigms. |
PSO-3 | System Testing and Deployment | Verify and validate the systems, procedures and processes using various testing and verification techniques and tools. |
PSO-4 | System Quality and Maintenance | Manage the quality through various product development strategies under revision, transition and operation through maintainability, flexibility, testability, portability, reusability, interoperability, correctness, reliability, efficiency, integrity and usability to adapt the system to the changing structure and behavior of the systems /environments |

Dr. Shrihari M Joshi
Professor and HOD

Dr. U. P. Kulkarni

Dr. Jayadevi C Karur

Prof. Jayateerth V Vadavi
Associate Professor

Dr. Raghavendra G S
Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Dr. Nita G Kulkarni
Assistant Professor

Dr. Vidyagouri Kulkarni
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ranganath G Yadawad
Assistant Professor

Prof. Anand Vaidya
Assistant Professor

Prof. Shreedhar G Yadawad
Assistant Professor

Prof. Indira Umarji
Assistant Professor

Prof. Govind Negalur
Assistant Professor

Dr. Smitesh Patravali
Assistant Professor

Prof. Sandhya S V
Assistant Professor

Prof. Prathap Kumar M K
Assistant Professor

Prof. Basavaraj Vaddatti
Assistant Professor

Dr. Rani Shetty
Assistant Professor

Prof. Rashmi Patil
Assistant Professor

Prof. Yashodha Sambrani
Assistant Professor

Prof. Anand S Pashupatimath
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sharada H N
Assistant Professor
I-Sem-A & B Div Timetable [2024-25] III-Sem-A & B Div Timetable [2024-25] V Sem-A & B Div Timetable [2024-25] VII-Year-A Div Time Table [2024-25] IV-Year-B Div Time Table [2023-24] |
Space and Infrastructure |
Department Tour
Dr. U. P. Kulkarni (Professor & Head)
Dr. U.P.Kulkarni is a Professor and Heading Computer Science and Engineering Department @ SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. He is coordinating NBA & IQAC activities @ Institute level. He is in teaching profession since 1989 and his expertise in teaching includes the areas like: Software Engineering, Object Oriented System Design, and Principles of Programming languages, Operating Systems, Unix Operating Systems and Distributed Systems. His research interest include: Smart Space/ Intelligent systems and Distributed Systems. Ten research scholars have completed their PhD under his guidance. He has 50 + publications including 8 copyrights. He gives consultancy to various Institutions for preparing accreditation for NBA and NAAC under OBE framework. His special interest includes exploring more on Human Values and spiritual journey.
Qualifications: BE ( CSE) ME ( CSE) and PhD( Engineering)
- SIX Copy rights in NBA ( National Board of Accreditation ) related procedures.
- Two copy rights related to Architecture for stream processing and Smart Space.
- 50 + papers related to domain specific research : Ubiquitous Computing, Autonomic Computing, Sensor Networks and Image Processing.
Click here to find publication details @ Google Scholar link
Phone Number: 0836-2328350
Other Achievements:
- Consultant to various Institutions for preparing NBA and NAAC accreditation based on OBE and NEP-2020 perspectives.
- SIX Copyrights on NBA ( National Board of Accreditation ) related procedures.
- Ten Research scholar completing their research work leading to PhD degree.
- Developing simple OBE related procedures and frameworks.
Social Links:
Dr. Jayadevi C Karur (Professor)
Prof. Dr. Jayadevi C Karur is Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in E & C from BVBCET,Hubli, and Master degree in CSE from SJCE, Mysore. She has guided much number of U.G & PG students. She has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. She has published 11 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: BE(E&C), MTech(CSE), PhD
Total number of publications: 11
Some papers are listed as given below.
- “Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognition under wide variations”, – Moula Husain, Parisa Beham, Jyothi Gudavalli, Menaka Kandasamy, Radhesyam Vaddi, Vidyagouri Hemadri, J C Karure, Raja Raju, B. Rajan, Vijay Kumar, C V Jawahar, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 2013.
- “Shape based Image retrieval using structural and global descriptors”, – Dr. Jagadeesh Pujari Shatajbegum Nadaf , Dr. J C Karur , Kala Sarovar (UGC Care Group-1 Journal), ISSN:0975-4520 vol-23, No.02(II) Pages 39-42, 2020/12.
- “Shape Descriptor Based on Centroid with Chord Lengths for Image Retrieval” – Jayadevi Karur, Jagadeesh Pujari, International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Pages 169-177, 2018/12/21, Publisher Springer, Singapore.
- “Image Retrieval using the Centroid Based Shape Descriptor” – Priyanka R Kabber Prof Jayadevi C Karur, Dr. Jagadeesh Pujari, IOSR Journal of Engineering(IOSRJEN) Volume 8 Issue 7 (July, 2018) Pages 12-17 Publisher International organization of Scientific Research.
- “A Graph Theoretic Approach for the Identification of Objects Shape Taken from MPEG-7 Database” – Kumarneeraj Kale and Kumar Swamy V Jagadeesh Pujari , J.C. Karur International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.10, No.3 (2017), pp.11-30.
- “Radial-Distance Based Shape Descriptor for Image Retrieval” – International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication(IJRITCC), Volume 4, Issue 6, Pages 103-106, 2016/6.
- “A Combined Graph and Texture Based Approach for Recognition of Animal Contour Images of MPEG-7 Database” – J Pujari, JC Karur, S Hugar – International Journal of Signal Processing, Image , Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp.339-354. 2016 ISSN:2005-4254.
Phone Number: 8971212216
Other Achievements:
- As a Session Chair in INOCON 2020 with technical co-sponsor IEEE Bangalore Section organizing International Conference on 06th to 08th November 2020 in Nagarjuna College of Engineering (NCET) Bengaluru, India.
- As a Member of Review Committee for International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Information Technology for Engineering System (ICICITES-2021) organized by SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Korti, Pandharpur-413304, Maharashtra, India during 25-26 June, 2021.
- As a PC Member for the conference “The 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R 2021)” to review papers.
Social Links:
Dr. Shrihari M. Joshi (Professor)
I am presently working as a professor in the dept. of CSE.I am also the NAAC coordinator, CISCO net-academy coordinator of the institute. I have a total of 30 years of teaching experience. Presently I am guiding six research scholars for their Ph.D. My area of interest includes Network security, Computer networks, Operating systems, Distributed systems. I am external BoS members of GIT, Belagavi and Karnataka University, Dharwad, BoE member of BITM, Bellary.
Qualifications: B.E (CSE), M.E(CSE), Ph.D
Journal Papers:
- P.S.Hiremath, S.M.Joshi, “Energy Aware Performance Comparison of MANET Routing Protocols under Different Energy Models”, International Journal of Mobile & Ad hoc Network, Vol.1, Issue 3, Nov.2011, pp. 380-384.
- P.S.Hiremath, S.M.Joshi*, “Performance Comparison of Routing Protocols with Variable Transmission Power”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 3, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp. 1-5.
- P.S.Hiremath and S.M.Joshi*, “Load-Aware Energy Efficient Routing Protocol with Adaptive Threshold Energy for MANETs”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 3, No. 3, May-June 2012, pp. 140-145.
- P.S.Hiremath, ShrihariM.Joshi, “Energy Efficient Routing Protocol with Adaptive Fuzzy Threshold Energy for MANETs”, IRACST – International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), Vol. 2, No. 3 June, 2012.
- P.S.Hiremath and ShrihariM.Joshi, “Energy-Aware Delay Sensitive Routing Protocol based on Adaptive Threshold Energy and Queue Size”, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 3 October 2012, pp. 454-459.
- P.S. Hiremath, Shrihari M. Joshi, “Power Aware Location Aided Routing Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Threshold Energy”, IRACST – International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), Vol.3, No2, April 2013, pp. 166-171.
- P.S. Hiremath, Shrihari M. Joshi, “Lifetime Analysis of MANET in Presence of Selfish Nodes”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.2 , No.1, 2013, pp. 07-10.
- P.S.Hiremath, ShrihariM.Joshi, “Energy Aware Routing Protocol Based on Adaptive Transmission Range and Fuzzy Threshold Energy”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013, pp. 54-60.
- P.S.Hiremath, ShrihariM.Joshi, “Energy Aware Routing Protocol Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Transmission Range and Threshold Energy”, International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking Technologies, Volume 3, No.1, December – January 2014, pp.14-18
- Veena M, Dr. S. M. Joshi, Kiran B.Malagi “Design of Graphical Quagga simulator for analysis of Quagga Routing and QoS Framework”, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET), Volume 6 Issue 1 October 2015, pp. 199-206.
- Shivabsayya Kulkarni , Shrihari M Joshi, “Controlling Traffic Dynamics in Multipath Routing Topology”, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER) Volume 02, Issue 12, December – 2015, pp. 221-224.
- Poornima Raikar, S M Joshi, “Efficiency of Methods in Retrieval Using Query by Sketch”, Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing”, Oct. 2016.
- Bhagyashree S. Mathad and Dr.S.M. Joshi, “Analysis of Diabetic Data Using R”, Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing”, Oct. 2016.
- Santhosh Reddy P, Dr. S. M. Joshi, “An Energy Efficient and Robust Asymmetric Key Chain Protocol for Key Management in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks”, IJERT, 2018, Special Issue, pp.1-4.
- Pooja N Machaknur, Dr. S M Joshi, “Predicting Illness Using Machine Learning Algorithm over Big Data from Medicinal Services Groups”, IJSART – Volume4 Issue 5–MAY2018, pp. 941-947.
- Arundhati Aralimatti, Indira Umarji, Dr. S M Joshi, “Recommendations of Agricultural wbsites Based on Modified Feature Vector Algorithm”, IJSART, Vol. 4, Issue 5, 2019
- Sushma Joshi, Dr. S M Joshi, “Phishing URLs Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques”, IJCERT, Vol.6, Issue 6, June 2019, pp. 326-333
- Poornima Raikar, Dr. S.M Joshi, “Efficiency of Similarity Measures in Content based Retrieval Using Texture, Shape and Color”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 8, No.1.6, 2019,pp. 51-56.
- Arunkumar, Dr.S.M.Joshi, “Identity Based Data Sharing Security in Cloud Computing”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020.
Conference Papers:
- P.S.Hiremath, S.M.Joshi, “Impact of Transmission Power Control on the Performance of MANET Routing Protocols”, ADCONS, NITK, Suratkal, 16-18 Dec. 2011.
- P.S. Hiremath, Shrihari M. Joshi, “Analysis of the Impact of Selfish Nodes on the Lifetime of a MANET”, ICACSE13, Lords Institute of Tech., Hyderabad, Jan. 7-8, 2013.
- P.S. Hiremath, Shrihari M. Joshi, “Fuzzy Thresholded Power Aware Location Aided Routing”, NCPAAI, Central University, Kasaragod, Kerala,, 2013.
- P.S.Hiremath, ShrihariM.Joshi, “An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol Based on Adaptive Transmission Range and Adaptive Threshold Energy”, International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communication and Information Technology – MPCIT 2013, J.N.N. College of Engineering Shimoga, Karnataka, India, Dec.19-21, 2013.
- P.S.Hiremath, Shrihari M.Joshi, “Variable Transmission Range Power Aware Location Aided Routing”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (NCRAIT 2014), Solapur University, Solapur, Feb. 15-16, 2014.
- P.S.Hiremath, ShrihariM.Joshi, “Fuzzy Adaptive Transmission Range Power Aware Location Aided Routing”, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT – 2014) PES Institute of Technology & Management, Shivamogga on 5th and 6th May 2014.
- Dr. S. M Joshi, “Energy efficient and robust asymmetric key chain protocol for key management in heterogeneous sensor networks”, NSCEC-2017, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Shimoga.
- Poornima, Dr, S M Joshi, “Efficiency of similarity measures in content based retrieval using texture, shape and color”, ICCET, Pune, Dec.1, 2019.
- Dr. U P Kulkarni, K C Shinde, Dr. S M Joshi, “Examnation Reforms with OBE Philosophy”, ICTIEE, 2019.
- Poornima Raikar, S.M Joshi,, “Efficiency Comparison of Supervised and Unsupervised Classifier on Content Based Classification using Shape, Color, Texture”, International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India. Jun 5-7, 2020.
- Anand Vaidya, Shrihari.M.Joshi, “A Mobile Object Based Energy Efficient Protocol for Master Node Based Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), Bangaluru, India. Nov 6-8, 2020.
- Sandhya S V , Dr. S M Joshi , “QoS Based Routing Protocol For Multimedia Traffic In Manet”, International Conference On Recent Trends In Science & Technology (ICTTST – 2020), 17-18, June, 2020
Phone Number: 9036079402
Other Achievements:
- Young Scientist Award @ Kannada Vignan Sammelana, Kalburgi, 2015.
- Best Paper Award @ Kannada Vignana Sammelana, Bagalkot, 2016.
Social Links:
Prof. Jayateerth V Vadavi(Associate Professor)
Prof. Jayateerth V Vdavi is an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He/She obtained his/her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Electronics from Basaveshweshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot, and Master degree in Digital Electronics from SDM College of Engineering and Technology , Dharwad. He/She has guided much number of U.G & PG students. He/She has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. He/She has published 12 papers at International Journals/Conferences. Designed and implemented Campus wide networking at SDM College of Engineering and Technology , Dharwad. IT procurement consultant to many universities and organisations. Currently working as Dy.Dean (Infrastructure , Planning and Development)
Qualifications: B.E, M,E.
12 Papers at International Conferences and Journals
Phone Number: 9448001249
Other Achievements:
- Designed and implemented Campus wide networking at SDM College of Engineering and Technology , Dharwad.
- IT procurement consultant to many universities and organisations.
Social Links:
Prof. Raghavendra G. S.(Associate Professor)
Prof. Raghavendra G S is an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science and Engineering from Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgavi, M.Tech in Computer Cognition Technology from Department of Computer Science Studies, University of Mysore, Mysore and Ph.D from BITS Pilani University. He has guided 20 number of U.G & PG students. He has published 15 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2011). Statistical Approach for Selecting Elite Ants. Annals. Computer Science Series., 9(2):69-90.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2011). Cluster Integrated Updation Strategies for ACO Algorithms. International Journal of Computer Applications, 30(2):18-24.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2011). Unsupervised Updation Strategies for ACO Algorithms. International Journal of Computer Applications, 30(11):37-43.
- Prasanna Kumar, N. and Raghavendra, G. S. (2011).On the Evaporation Mechanism in the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms. Annals. Computer Science Series., 9(1):51-56.
- Prasanna Kumar, N. and Raghavendra, G. S. (2011).A Note on the Parameter of Evaporation in the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. International Mathematical Forum, 6(34):1655-1659.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Srisail S. K. (2018). “Aadhar Card Based Electronic Voting System Using Amazon Cloud Server”, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, Volume 4 Issue 5 – MAY 2018, ISSN[ONLINE]: 2395-1052.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Aakash Koul. (2019). “Smart Security System using Arduino and Wireless Communication”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 6 Issue 1, ISSN: 2395-0072.
- Raghavendra, G. S., Priyanka, S. T. and Basavaraj, V. (2019). “NutriSmart- Food Products Recommendation System”. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 4, Issue 5, ISSN No:-2456-2165.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Anjali, S. D. (2020). “Semantic and Behavioral Feature Analysis for Detecting Fake Reviews using Machine Learning”. International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends, Volume 7, Issue 6, E-ISSN No:- 2349-7084.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2007). Adaptive Ant Algorithm – A New Genetic Programming Approach to ACO Algorithms. In Proceedings of 73rd Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society, Pune, INDIA, 76-82.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2008). Relative Reward Pheromone Update Strategy for ACO Algorithms. In Proceedings of 2ndInternational Conference of IMBIC on MSAST, Kolkata, INDIA, 52-60.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2009). Performance Description of Enhanced Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm through Principal Component Analysis. In Proceedings of 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tumkur, India, 2119-2126.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2009). Fourier Transform as a tool for assessing the performance of ACO Algorithms. In Proceedings of 2009 World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, Coimbatore, India, 708-712.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2012). An ACO framework for Single Track Railway Scheduling Problem. In Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computation: Theories and Applications. Advances in Intelligent System and Computing (AISC), Springer, Gwalior, India, 201:39-51.
- Raghavendra, G. S. and Prasanna Kumar, N. (2013).Application of Ant Algorithm Variants to Single Track Railway Scheduling Problem. In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving. Advances in Intelligent System and Computing (AISC).
Phone Number: 7204577887
Other Achievements:
- He holds the Deputy MIS Officer position.
Social Links:
Dr. S. B. Kulkarni(Associate Professor)
Dr. Shrinivasrao B. Kulkarni is an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. Completed his undergraduate from BEC, Bagalkot, M.Tech. from BVBCET, Hubli and Ph.D. from Graphic Era University, Dehradun, Uttarakhanda. Two Research Scholars have completed Ph.D. under his guidance from VTU Belagavi and five are pursuing Ph.D. under VTU Belagavi. Guided many U.G. and PG. students. His area of Interest are Image Processing, Software Engineering. Medical Imaging, Context Aware, Social Media, Web, Networking and Communication. In Administrative Positions, he has HoD Computer Science and Engineering in 2018-19 Academic Year. He was member in various committees at college level, Academic Council, BoS, DUGC, DPGC, PBSA, Web etc. He has published 51 papers in Journal and conferences at national and international level. He has published 06 Patents. Reviewer for IUCE, VTU Journal, IEEE, RGD, ASTES, Evolving Systems-Springer, Machine Vision and Applications. Conference Chair for IEEE – International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET – 2020) Associated in conduction of IPR: Patent Filing Procedure as a coordinator, at SDMCET, Dharwad. Presented Paper in ISMS2018 Conference at University of Malta, Europe. Conducted AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training programme on Research Trends in Computer Science and Engineering in two different phases from 14-19th Dec, 2020 and 21st-26th Dec 2020. Conducted National Conference on Advances in Computer Science & Engineering and Workshop on Bigdata Analytics at SDMCET, Dharwad. He is a life member of ISTE and IEI. Member, IEEE and ACM in 2020. He has delivered 11 invited talks. He is an external BOE and BOS member for KSRDPRU, Gadag. 04 – Research scholar’s completed their Ph.D. under his guidance. and 05 research scholars are perusing their Ph.D’s under his supervision. BOE Member at VTU, Belagavi. RAC Member at BEC Bagalkot, GIT, Belagavi, KLEIT, Hubli, and BLDEA’s Vijayapur.
Qualifications: B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D
Sl. No. | Title | Publication Details | Month | Year |
1. | Fruits and Vegetables Classification using Progressive Resizing and Transfer Learning | Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ISSN 1007-6735 Scopus Indexed Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 1-10 | 02-02-2021 | 2021 |
2. | Developing Framework of Web Scraper for Agriculture Data using Client Server Module | Prateeksha Nashipudi, Dr. S. B. Kulkarni.”Developing Framework of Web Scraper for Agriculture Data using Client-Server Module”. International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends (IJCERT), ISSN:2349-7084, Vol.7, Issue 08, August – 2020, Available at SSRN: | July 30, 2020 | 2020 |
3. | Identification of normal and abnormal brain hemorrhage on magnetic resonance images | Cognitive Informatics, Computer Modelling, and Cognitive Science, Volume 1: Theory, Case Studies, and Applications 2020, Pages 71-91, Cognitive Informatics, Computer Modelling, and Cognitive Science Science Direct, Elsevier, 17-0402020 | 17-04-2020 | 2020 |
4. | Implementation and Peformance Analysis of Low Complex Beam forming Algorithms | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering” volume 8, issue 3, sept 2019 | 3-09-2019 | 2019 |
5. | Moving object detection and Tracking using different Image processing approaches | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 120 No. 6 2018, 1579-1591 | 17-06-2018 | 2018 |
6. | A Novel Framework for Detection and Classification of Brain Hemorrhage | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4, November 2018 | Nov | 2018 |
7. | Implementation and comparison of classifiers for different hyperspectral dataset based on machine learning algorithms | International Journal of Engineering & Technology, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 4, p. 3070-3073, sep. 2018. ISSN 2227-524X. Available at: | Sept | 2018 |
8. | Classification of Brain Hemorrhages in MRI using Naïve Bayes- Probabilistic Kernel Approach | IGI Publication, International Conference at Valletta-Malta [[North African/Europe Nation] | Feb | 2018 |
9. | An Efficient IPSO Segmentation and GWLM Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction based ANN for Hyper Spectral Image Classification | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 17-Special Issue 1420-1439 Special Issue On Engineering and Informatics, Scopus Indexed Free Journal, 7, Nov 2017 | 7th, Nov | 2017 |
10. | Markov random field classification technique for plant leaf disease detection | Special Issue on: Image Processing in Computer Vision – Techniques and Advancements Inderscience Publication | 2017 | |
11. | Combined Approach of Image Enhancement and Wavelet Feature Extraction for Plant Leaf Classification | McGraw-Hill International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation (MH-ICSIPCA – 2017) ISBN: 978-93-526079-8-3, Grenze ID: 02.MH-ICSIPCA.2017.1.3, Page(s) : 10-17 | 2017 | |
12. | An Improved Technique of Plant Leaf Classification Using Hybrid Feature Modeling | IEEE- International Conference on Innovative, Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA 2017) IEEE Bangalore Section, DOI: 978-1-5090-5960-7/17/$31.00©2017, IEEE | 21-23, Feb 2017 | 2017 |
13. | New Attributes for a Role Based Performance Measurement of a Teacher in Engineering College | The Fourth International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE’17) Umakant Kulkarni, Srinivas Kulkarni, Kiran Shindhe | 6-7, Jan | 2017 |
14. | New Attributes for a Role Based Performance Measurement of a Teacher in Engineering College | The Fourth International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE’17) Umakant Kulkarni, Srinivas Kulkarni, Kiran Shindhe | 6-7, Jan | 2017 |
15. | A Case Study on an Unrealized Truth Of an Outcome Based Education and Corrective Strategies | 2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education PP-285-289, 978-1-5090-1062-2/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE DOI 10.1109/MITE.2016.21 | 9-10, Dec | 2016 |
16. | Detection of Moisture Content of Fruits Using ANN | Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing Online ISSN: 2277-5099 | Print ISSN: 2250-1045 | Impact Factor: 0.375 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR) Pp 27-31 DOI : 10.9756/BIJSESC.8237 | Dec | 2016 |
17. | Reduced Complexity Beam Forming Algorithm | 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), pp 115-118, 978-1-5090-4697-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE | 9-10, Dec | 2016 |
18. | Approaches and Challenges in Classification for Hyper Spectral Data : A Review | International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization Techniques 2016, IEEE Catalog : 978-1-4673-9939-5 / 16, DMJ college of Engineering, Chnnai, Tamilnadu. | 3-5, March | 2016 |
19. | Hyperspectral Imaging Technique for Plant Leaf Identification | International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology ICERECT-2015 | 2015 | |
20. | Survey on Machine Learning Algorithm in Image Processing | Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, ISSN 2250- 1045 Special Issue on Computational Simulations and its Applications ISSN 2250- 1045 Pp. 1-4 | November | 2015 |
21. | Computer Vision and Machine Vision Techniques for Assessing Quality of Food Products | Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, ISSN 2250- 1045 Special Issue on Computational Simulations and its Applications ISSN 2250- 1045 Pp. 17-19 | November | 2015 |
22. | A Study on Image Segmentation Techniques of Brain MR Image | Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, ISSN 2250- 1045 Special Issue on Computational Simulations and its Applications ISSN 2250- 1045 Pp. 23-25 | November | 2015 |
23. | An approach for DOA | Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, ISSN 2250- 1045 Special Issue on Computational Simulations and its Applications ISSN 2250- 1045 Pp. 20-22 | November | 2015 |
24. | Localization Of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Leader Based Cdl In The Wild | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 16 (2015) pp 37880-37884 © Research India Publications | September | 2015 |
25. | The PET-MRI Brain Image Fusion Using Wavelet Transforms | IJETT Journal Impact factor 1.795 Volume-23 Number-6 PP. 304-306 Year of Publication : 2015 DOI.: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V23P257 | May | 2015 |
26. | Detection of freshness of fruits using electrical method | IJETT Journal Impact factor 1.795 Volume-23 Number-2 Pp.90-92 2231-5381 Year of Publication : 2015 DOI.: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V23P217 | May | 2015 |
27. | Know-How: a design pattern for generic log adapter | Peer Reviewed Free Journal, Evolving System, Springer Publication, D.O.I. 10.1007/s12530- 015-9130-8 Print ISSN1868-6478, Online ISSN 1868-6486 pp 255-268 | May | 2015 |
28. | Defect Recognition of Fruit using Statistical Approach | IJETT Journal Impact factor 1.795 Volume-22 Number-7 PP.331-334 Year of Publication : 2015 DOI.: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V22P269 | April | 2015 |
29. | Routing in VANET’s City Scenario using Back-bone Node Hop Greedy Algorithm | International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 9 pp. 466-477 ISSN: 2231-5381 Impact factor 1.795 | September | 2014 |
30. | GLCM based Multiclass Iris Recognition using FKNN and KNN | Free Journal, World Scientific Publication Company, Singapore. International Journal of Image and Graphics. Print ISSN: 0219-4678 Online ISSN: 1793- 6756, Volume 14, Issue 3. Pp. 1450010- 1-27 DBLP Bibliography Server, Ebsco Discovery Service, Emerging Sources Citation Index , ExLibris Primo Central, Google Scholar, io-, OCLC WorldCat®, Proquest Summon | August | 2014 |
31. | An Interactive Video Surveillance System for Detection and Classification of Moving Vehicles | International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) 15 (2), 73-77 Doi: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V15P216 Impact factor 1.795 | September | 2014 |
32. | Iris Recognition using Color Models with Artificial Neural Network | Impact factor 1.097, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online) Published By Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd. Pp. 339-341 Impact factor 1.121 (2014) | June | 2014 |
33. | Analysis of Iris Image Segmentation in a Color Space Model | Impact factor 1.097, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online) Published By Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd. Pp. 339-341 Impact factor 1.121 (2014) | June | 2014 |
34. | Analysis of Iris Recognition using Normalized and Un- normalized Iris images | Free Journal, IJIP, IK International Publisher, ISSN: 0973–8215 Volume-7, Issue-3, Pp. 26-33, 2013 | January | 2013 |
35. | Iris Recognition Using Fusion of Gray Level Co- occurrence Matrix and Gray Level Run Length Matrix | Publisher : Elsevier, ICSIP 2013, pp. 241–246. Elsevier Publications 2013. DOI: 03.elsevierst.2013.4.ICSIP28 Paper type : Book series, ISBN: 978-93-5107-104-4 | August | 2013 |
36. | Computer Based Diagnosis of Glaucoma using Digital Fundus Images | Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol. III, WCE 2013, July 3 – 5, 2013, London, U.K. | July | 2013 |
37. | Iris Data Encryption Using Aztec Symbology | Free Journal Publisher : peer reviewed referred Publisher : Springer Berlin Heidelberg Springer journal (Evolving Systems) DOI: 10.1007/s12530-013-9075-8 Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 203-217, Print ISSN: 1868-6478 Online ISSN: 1868-6486 | September | 2013 |
38. | ROI based Iris Segmentation and Block reduction Based Pixel match | Publisher : Springer as a BOOK CHAPTER ICAC3 2013, CCIS Vol. 361, pp. 548–557, 2013. DOI :10.1007/978-3-642-36321-4_52 Print ISBN: 978-3-642-36320-7 Online ISBN : 978-3-642-36321-4 | January | 2013 |
39. | A Novel Approach for Iris Encryption | Publisher : Foundation of Computer Science New York ,USA. IJCA Journal, icwet2012- Number-5, ISBN: 973-93-80864-51-6 | February | 2012 |
40. | Facial Expression Recognition Using Fishers Linear Discriminant Analysis combined with Principal Component Analysis | Kanthimathi Publications International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (ICRTCSE 2012), ISBN ICRTCSE 2012 | May | 2012 |
41. | Improvement to libor masek algorithm of template matching method for iris recognition. | Publisher : ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011 ISBN: 978-1-4503-0449-8 pp. 1270-1274 , DOI: 10.1145/1980022.1980303 Proceeding of ICWET2011 | February | 2011 |
42. | Facial Feature Detection using HAAR Classifiers | ADVYA-11, A national Level Technical Symposium. Pp. 97-99, Shiradi Sai Engineering College, Bangalore. | November | 2011 |
43. | A survey on Facial Expression Analysis | ADVYA-11, A national Level Technical Symposium. Pp. 116-118, Shiradi Sai Engineering College, Bangalore | November | 2011 |
44. | Digital Bike Security System Using GSM. | ADVYA-11, A national Level Technical Symposium. Pp. 202-204, Shiradi Sai Engineering College, Bangalore. | November | 2011 |
45. | Region Based Iris Recognition System. | NCETETA-2010 – A National Level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology and Application, pp. 367-370, Shiradi Sai Engineering College, Bangalore. | November | 2010 |
Phone Number: 9880313022
Other Achievements:
- VTU Grant 5.84 L Sanctioned for the Research Project titled Establishment of Knowledge base laboratory using AI, ML and Deep learning under VTU-RGS on 02-03-22
- Subject Expert for Trilingual Glossary of Engineering Words (English-Hindi-Kannada) from 23-03-2022 to 27-03-2022 at SDMCET, Dharwad and 18-04-2022 to 22-04-2022 at BLDE, Vijayapur
- Grant Sanctioned 2,53,167 -00 – AICTE Sponsored STTP– AQIS 2020 for the Title “Research Trends in computer Science and Engineering on 10-10-2020,
- STTP Phase 1 (14th -19th Dec 2020 ) and Phase 2 (21st -26th Dec 2020) Conducted @ SDMCET, Dharwad
- Patent on SMART WATERING POT – 202041025399 A ON Dated 03/07/2020
- Patent Title : DOMESTIC BIRDS’ PROTECTIVE SYSTEM – 201941001507 A
- Editors: Dr.S.B. Kulkarni,Dr.U.P. Kulkarni, Dr.S.M. Joshi and J.V. Vadavi, 2016 for Volume 6, Issue Special Issue on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering and Workshop on Big Data Analytics
- Development of Excel Sheet to measure attainment of Course Outcome/Program Outcome
- Conducted National Level Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering under TEQIP Ph-II
- Conducted workshop on BigData Analytics underTEQIP Ph-II
- National Level Advisory Committee Member for IFERP.
- Imitated Institutional Membership with ICT Academy– 28-12-2018
- Coordinated to get CISCO Net Academy implementation at SDMCET
Social Links:
Prof. Ravindra Dastikop(Assistant Professor)
Ravindra Dastikop had earlier education in Belgaum, Mandya and Mysore and completed his graduation in science and postgraduate diploma in computer applications from Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore in 1986. Later he pursued in engineering degree, post graduation and further qualifications from Birla Institute of Technology and Science.
Currently his teaching interests are around cloud computing and social media. He offers a semester long course- Introduction to Cloud Computing for all branches of engineering. He is planning to offer Designing Cloud Computing System course for CSE students from upcoming semester. During 2004, he visited Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal as a visiting faculty and taught a course in Programming Languages. In the same year, he was invited to be adjunct faculty at International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore.
During 2004, he spent a sabbatical at Infosys, Bangalore where he studied the knowledge Management systems for 8 weeks. Being part of many conferences he has taken up different roles of paper presenter, chairing a session, reviewing the paper and more. Some of major conference that he is actively involved/involving include IEEE Technology for Education, ACM SIGIR 2008, ESSIR 2007.
Qualifications: M S
Sl. No. | Title | Publication Details | Total No. | Year |
1. | The nature of the cyber firm: contextual model of business for cyber world | R Dastikop, 2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW’05), 5 pp.-324 | 3 | 2005 |
2. | The nature of the cyber firm-2006: Building an affordance architecture | R Dastikop, 2006 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 75-77 | 1 | 2006 |
3. | Information Uptriever: A system for Content Assimilation and Aggregation for Developing Regions | R Dastikop, GA Radder, JC Karur, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Human | 2009 | |
4. | The Nature of the Cyber Firm-2006 |
Phone Number: 630687902
Other Achievements:
- Best Teacher Award 2009
- Metaverse Subject Matter Expert (
Social Links:
Dr. Nita G Kulkarni(Assistant Professor)
Dr. Nita G Kulkarni is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Electronics and Communication from Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot, and Master degree in Digital Electronics from SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. She has guided many U.G & PG students. She has conducted 04 workshops for UG students and Faculty members. She has participated in many Conferences / Workshops for Faculty. She has published 7 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: BE, MTech
- Konnur, Akash, Archana Nandibewoor, and Nita Kakhandaki. “Preferential Electronic Voting Machine-An Embedded Computing Solution.” system 4 (2013): 5.
- K Nita, S. B. Kulkarni, and U. P. Kulkarni, “A Study on Image Segmentation Techniques of Brain MR Image,” in Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, ISSN 2250-1045 Special Issue on Computational Simulations and its Applications, Bangalore, Nov-2015, pp. 23-25.
- Kazi, Syed Maveed Bukhari SAK, Nita Kakhandaki, and Mohammed Tahir Mirji. “Superimposition of 3D Objects for Education using Augmented Reality.” International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-2, Issue-6, June-2019
- Kakhandaki, Nita, and S. B. Kulkarni. “Identification of normal and abnormal brain hemorrhage on magnetic resonance images.” Cognitive Informatics, Computer Modelling, and Cognitive Science. Academic Press, 2020. 71-91.
- Kakhandaki, Nita, Shrinivas B. Kulkarni, Ramesh K. and Umakant P. Kulkarni. “Classification of Brain Hemorrhages in MRI Using Naïve Bayes- Probabilistic Kernel Approach.” JCIT 21.3 (2019): 51-65. Web. 28 Nov. 2019. doi:10.4018/JCIT.2019070104
- Nita Kakhandaki, S. B. Kulkarni, “A Novel framework for detection and classification of Brain Hemorrhage”, in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4, November 2019.
- Published Elsevier Book Chapter in Cognitive Informatics, Computer Modelling, and Cognitive Science, Volume 1, Chapter-05,Page No. 71-91, titled “Identification of Normal and Abnormal Brain Hemorrhage on Magnetic Resonance Images”, April 2020.
Phone Number: 9900221342
Other Achievements:
- ISTE Life member
Social Links:
Prof. Vidyagouri Kulkarni(Assistant Professor)
Dr. Vidyagouri Kulkarni is an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE, SDMCET, Dharwad, Karnataka. She pursued her Ph.D. in CSE in 2019 from VTU Belagavi, Karnataka, and M. Tech in CSE in 2006 from SJCE Mysore, Karnataka. She has more than twenty years of teaching experience. Her areas of interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Image Processing.
Qualifications: B.E., M. Tech, PhD
- Detection of Drowsiness Using Fusion of Yawning and Eyelid Movements,
- Indian movie face database: a benchmark for face recognition under wide variations
- Detection of drowsiness using fusion of yawning and eyelid movements
- Experimental study on assessment on impact of biometric parameters on drowsiness based on yawning and head movement using support vector machine
- Head Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Drowsiness detection based on eye shape measurement
- A Novel on Biometric Parameter’s Fusion on Drowsiness Detection Using Machine Learning
- Road sign detection and recognition in adverse case using pattern matching
- Recognition of traffic sign based on support vector machine and creation of the Indian traffic sign recognition benchmark
- Detection and recognition of mandatory and cautionary road signals using unique identifiable features
- Experimental study on assessment on impact of biometric parameters on drowsiness Detection
- Extractive Summarization of Text Using Weighted Average of Feature Scores. A Novel Secant Based Method for Recognition of Handwritten Pitman Shorthand Language Consonants and Vowels
Phone Number: 9448776104
Other Achievements:
- She has published twelve papers at national and at international level.
- ISTE Life Member
- Invited as resource for the FDP conducted Polytechnic College Bagalkot, AICTE
- ToT for Government school teachers on Digital Teaching Techniques
Social Links:
Prof. Govindappa Radder(Assistant Professor)
Prof. GOVINDAPPA A RADDER is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING from B.V.B.C.E.T College, HUBLI, and Master degree in COMPUTER SCEINCE & ENGINEERING from V.T.U college, BELGAVI. He has guided much number of U.G & PG students. He has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. He has published 02 papers at International Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E., M.TECH.
Phone Number: 9448344098
Other Achievements:
- Member of ISTE AND IEI
Social Links:
Prof. Ranganath G Yadawad(Assistant Professor)
Prof.Ranganath G Yadawad is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science and Engineering from BKIT, Bhalki and Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from SDM College of Enginnering and Technology, Dharwad. He is pursuing his Ph.D on IoT/Ubiquitous Computing under the guidance of Dr. U P Kulkarni at VTU, Belagavi. He has guided more than 30 number of U.G & PG students. He has Participated more than 25 Workshops. He published 4 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E, M.Tech
- A Framework for a Curriculum to ensure minimum standard for flexible, experiential and multi-disciplinary learning towards achieving NEP-2020 goals, ICTIEE-2022
- Novel Information Repository for Smart Environment, 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) Bengaluru, India. Nov 6-8, 2020
- Mobile Agents for Distributed Information Retrieval – An Optimized Mobile Agent System for Distributed Information Retrieval and Analisys. IJMTER, Date of Publication 31/03/2015
Phone Number: 9448049909
Social Links:
Prof. Ramchandranayak N Yadawad(Assistant Professor)
Prof. Ramchandranayak N Yadawad is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science and Engineering from SDM College of Engineering and Technology Dharwad, and Master degree in Computational Engineering and Networking from Amrita Vishwa Vidya Peetham, Coimbatore. He has obtained Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from NIT, Warangal. He has guided more than 50 U.G & PG Projects. He has conducted 01 Workshop for students and faculty. He has participated in 15 Conferences / Workshops. He has published 04 papers at International Journals / Conferences.
Qualifications:B.E., M.Tech, PhD
- R N Yadawad, RBV Subramanyam and U P Kulkarni. “Mining of Rare Itemsets in Distributed Environment.” International Journal of Computer Applications 105(6):1-4, November 2014
- Yadawad, R.N., Subramanyam, RBV., U.P. KULKARNI, K. Kori. “Mining Frequent Itemsets from Distributed Data using DIC-Like Approach” International Journal of Machine Intelligence, 6 (1), 450-453. June 2015
- R N Yadawad, RBV Subramanyam, U P Kulkarni and Manjula K Pawar, “Rare Association rule mining in distributed environment using sampling method” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Volume 10, Number 86 (2015)
- Siddamma Wadi and R.N.Yadwad, “A Learning Based Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 7, Issue 6 (2020)
Phone Number: 9164685527
Other Achievements:
- He has qualified in GATE twice.
Social Links:
Prof. Anand Vaidya (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Anand Vaidya is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his/her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Electrical and Electronics Engr. from SDM College, and Master degree in Computer science Engineering from SDM college, Dharwad. He/ has guided much number of U.G & PG students. He has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. He has published 6 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications:B.E., M.Tech
- Effectively Reconstructing the Routing Paths in Sensor Networks International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.
- Suraksha: An Android App for Human Safetyinternational Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 IJISRT20MAY475
- Smart Water Monitoring System for Agriculture International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) ISSN: 2454-4116, Volume-6, Issue-4, April 2020 Pages 57-60
- A Mobile Object Based Energy Efficient Protocol for Master Node Based Wireless Sensor Networks IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) Bangaluru, India. Nov 6-8, 2020
- A survey on energy consumption and initiate some emerging energy conservation techniques for wireless sensor networks International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, © 2020,
- Detection of Diabetic Gangrene using Deep Learning International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-2, Issue-6, June-2019
Phone Number: 9036889732
Other Achievements:
- NSS program Officer
Prof. Archana Nandibewoor(Professor)
Dr Archana Nandibewoor is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer science and Engineering, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka India.
She holds her M.Tech in Computer science and Engineering and B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India, in 2009 and 2005 respectively. She has completed her PhD in 2019 in the area of Image Processing-“Satellite Remote sensing ”at Bharathiar University,Coimbatoire,Tamil Naidu.
Qualifications: B.E, M.Tech,PhD
- She is a researcher of repute and has more than 15 Scientific Papers in National and International Peer Reviewed Journals and conference proceedings to her credit. Her work is Indexed and Cited in Various Peer Reviewed Journals like SPRINGER,IEEE, ELSEVIER, etc. She is an official reviewer for various peer reviewed Journals. She has successfully Guided 06 Students for M.Tech Degree and 25 for B.E Degree. She has travelled to United Kingdom for presenting research papers in conferences.
Phone Number: 9844831981
Other Achievements:
- She has received a Major Research Project(3 year duration) worth Rs. 30.5 lakhs from DRDO, New Delhi in the year 2021.
- She is Member of Professional bodies namely Life Member of ISTE, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), ACM.
Social Links:
Prof. Shreedhar G Yadawad (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Shreedhar G Yadawad is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Information Science and Engineering from Rural Engineering College, Bhalki, and Master degree in Computer Science from SDM Engineering college, Dharwad. He is pursuing his Ph.D on data mining under the guidance of Dr. Shrihari M Joshi at VTU,Belagavi. He has guided more than 25 number of U.G & PG students. He has participated more than 20 Workshops/training programs. He has published 2 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E, M.Tech
Phone Number: 9481929979
Other Achievements:
- CCNA certified Trainer from Amrit Vishwavidyapeetham Coimbatore
Social Links:
Prof. Indira Umarji (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Indira R Umarji is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Information Science & Engineering from B V B College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli, and Master degree in Computer Science & Engineering from S D M College of Engineering & Technology, Dharwad. She has guided much number of U.G & PG students. She has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. She has published more than 5 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E., M. Tech
- Data Aggregation & Transfer in Data Centric Network using Spin Protocol in WSN
- Validating Attainment of Outcomes Through Exit Surveys-A Case Study
- Identification of Crop Diseases using Deep Learning
- A Case Study on Curiosity Point Based Teaching and Learning- A Step Towards Industry Readiness
- A framework for a curriculum to ensure minimum standard for flexible, experiential and multi-disciplinary learning towards achieving NEP-2020 goals
Phone Number: 994 534 8887
Other Achievements:
- She was part of an App development team for the SWR (South-Western Railway), for the workshop section placed at Hubli. I am certified under CISCO Net Academy’s CCNA Certification, for CCNA 1 and 2. She was also part of the Training of Trainers (ToT) under PACE programme of KPIT. Under in-campus training program. She was a trainer for the Village Adoption programme under UBA, and trained village school students for the computer usage in education.
- She is also a Member of MoU signed with Global Business School (GBS), Hubli and has been involved in their preparation towards Accreditation. Conducted sessions to the Diploma students towards their preparation for the Engineering CET.
- She also was a resource person for an AICTE sponsored FDP on “Preparation of Lab manual and Project Evaluation” in two phases from January 2021 to March 2021. Also, was a resource person for a workshop held at MIT, Pune in June 2021.
- Her area of interests include Programming languages, Object orientation, Computer Networks, Engineering education reforms, etc.
Social Links:
Prof. Govind Negalur (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Govind Negalur is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in 2007 from SDMCET, Dharwad, and Master degree in 2014 from SDMCET, Dharwad. He has guided many U.G & PG students. He has conducted a number of Workshops for students. He has published 03 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E., M.Tech
- CLEM- A Cloud based Learning Environment for Millennial: Learn Anywhere, Anytime
- Review paper on IoT with Cloud
- A trust based matrix factorization method of Recommendations
- EEG Based Driver Drowsiness Detection
Phone Number: 974 014 3982
Other Achievements:
- Given FDP/ student workshops on Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, LaTeX across various colleges in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Goa, India.
Social Links:
Dr. Smitesh Patravali (Assistant Professor)
Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad.
Qualifications: BE,M Tech.(Ph. D)
Phone Number: 988 647 0220
Other Achievements:
- In-charge of College’s Central Computing Facility
IIT Bombay Remote Center Co-ordinator
Prof. Sandhya S V (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Sandhya S V is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in CSE at J N N College of Engineering, Shivamogga, and Master degree in CSE from J N N College of Engineering, Shivamogga. She has guided more than 20 number of U.G & PG students. She has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. She has published 7 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Domain expertise in Computer Networking , Communication Networks.
Qualifications: BE, M.Tech, PhD(pursuing)
- Fault–tolerant master-workers framework for mapreduce applications SV Sandhya, HA Sanjay, SJ Netravathi, MV Sowmyashree, RN Yogeshwari Publication date 2009/10/27 Conference: 2009 international conference on advances in recent technologies in communication and computing Pages 931-933 Publisher IEEE
- QoS Aware Manet Routing Protocol for Multimedia Traffic in an Adaptive Cross Layer Architecture Vrinda R Patil, SV Sandhya Publication date 2019/6 Journal energy Volume 6 Issue 06 Pages7 Publisher:International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 | June 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
- Routing Protocol for Ensuring Quality of Services for Real-Time traffic SV Sandhya, SM Joshi Publication date 2021/6/25 Conference 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) Pages 1-5 Publisher IEEE
- An Error Minimizing Frame Work for Localizing the Jammers and Analyzing the Strength of Jammers in Wireless Network
- Mahamaya Desai, SV Sandhya Publication date 2016/10/1 Journal Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 05-08 Publisher Bonfring
- QoS based routing protocol for multimedia traffic in MANET Sandhya S V, Dr.S M Joshi, ICRTST 2020 Volume-I, ISBN No: 978-93-5396-830-4
- The Web-Portal for College Administration” published in International conference on Women Empowerment in Science & Technology(ICWEST 2021).
- Automated Agriculture Robot published in International conference on Women Empowerment in Science & Technology(ICWEST 2021).
Phone Number: 988 642 1455
Other Achievements:
- Invited as a resource person for the FDP conducted for polytechnic college Bagalkot under AICTE.
- Invited as resource person on Network Simulator-2 held at polytechnic college Bellary.
- Invited as resource person on “C Applications” held at KUD Dharwad.
- CCNA certified on “Introduction to Networks” from CISCO network academy SDMCET.
Social Links:
Dr. Aijaz A.Qazi (Assistant Professor)
Department Time Table In-charge
Qualifications: Ph.D (CSE)
- Qazi, A. and R.H. Goudar. “A Document Classification Framework for Efficient Retrieval.” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8, no. 5 (2019): 2592-2597.
- Qazi, A., et al. “Web Document Classification using Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbor.” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8, no. 11 (2019): 471-474.
- A., Qazi et al. Retinal Image Processing on Early Glaucoma Detection. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 36(1): 138-141. (2021).
- Qazi, Aijazahamed, and R. H. Goudar. “An Ontology-based Term Weighting Technique for Web Document Categorization.”, RoSMa2018, Procedia computer science, Elsevier, 133 (2018): 75-81.
- Qazi, A., and R. H. Goudar. “Emerging Trends in Reducing Semantic Gap towards Multi-media Access: A Comprehensive Survey.” ICIIECS’16, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (2016): 30.
Phone Number: 988 666 4506
Other Achievements:
- Design of robust algorithm for surveillance and object recognition using enhanced aerial imagery, Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO), Rs.30.51 Lakhs, Co-PI, (2021) (Ongoing)
Prof. Prathap Kumar M K (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Prathap Kumar M K is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science and Engineering from Proudhadevaraya Institute of Technology College and Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from AMC Engineering college. He has guided U.G & PG students. He has conducted/Participated in Conferences / Workshops for students. He has published papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E, M.Tech., (P.hD)
- Prathap Kumar M. K, “Virtual Labs”, In IJNTR Journal Volume 6 Issue 5
- An Energy Efficient IDS Based Auto Adjustable Secure Opportunistic Routing Protocol in MANET’s,
- Electronics, Signal and Communication conducted in association with IETE Mysuru center and International Journal of Computer Science Applications” on 29th May 2017.
Phone Number: 888 461 1980
Other Achievements:
- Organized a talk on “Development of Entrepreneurship through Incubator and other schemes” at SDMCET, Dharwad – 17th Feb 2017.
- Participated in “T15 felicitations-awards ceremony of TGMC-2016” at B V Raju Institute of Technology [BVRIT], Narsapur, Hyderabad.
- Organized 2-days training program on “Android App Development” at SDMCET, Dharwad.
- Participated AWS Academy Meet-2019 on 24th July 2019 at Bangalore.
Prof. Basavaraj Vaddatti (Assistant Professor)
Basavaraj Vaddatti an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. Completed Bachelor of Engineering(BE) in Computer Science and Engineering from University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering(UVCE), Bangalore University. He obtained his Master of Technology(M.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) from Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi. He has guided more than 20 number of under graduate(UG) and post graduate(PG) projects. He has conducted/Participated in number of workshops/conferences.
Qualifications: B.E, M.Tech
Phone Number: 948 017 3146
Other Achievements:
- Professional member of Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE)
Social Links:
Dr. Rani Shetty (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Rani Shetty is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained his/her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in 2012 from REC College, Hulkoti, and Master degree in 2014 from SDM college, Dharwad. She has guided many U.G & PG students. She has conducted/Participated in a number of Conferences / Workshops for students. She has published 3 papers at International Journals/Conferences. She is also Faculty Advisor for IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group.
Qualifications: B.E., M.Tech, (Ph.D.)
Phone Number: 973 882 7107
Other Achievements:
- Resource person for FDP on “E-Content Creation” organized in SDMCET, Dharwad
- Resource person for talk on “Digital India” organized by Rotary club, Dharwad
Social Links:
Prof. Rashmi Patil (Assistant Professor)
Prof.Rashmi Patil is an assistant professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science and Engineering from Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi and Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. Currently she is pursing Ph.D at SDM Research center, Dharwad. She has also worked in Infosys as Systems Engineer and has overall industrial experience of 2.2 years. She has conducted many events for faculty and students.
Qualifications: B.E., M.Tech
- Presented a paper titled “Book recommender system” in the national conference at SDMCET, Dharwad
- Presented a paper titled “Text Line Segmentation of Handwritten Documents” in International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume2-Issue 6- June 2019
- Presented a paper titled “Online Domestic Assistant” in International Journal of New Technology and Research(IJNTR) ISSN – 2454-4116 Volume 6- Issue 5,May 2020
Phone Number: 944 953 4123, 636 014 1049
Other Achievements:
- TSA department executive committee member
- Inhouse software development team member
- Infosys Campus connect program coordinator at department and institute level.
- Independent study coordinator at department level.
- Conducted national level webinar on “Role of Engineers in Space Research”
Social Links:
Prof. Vidya Vaibhav Uttur (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Vidya Vaibhav Uttur is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained his/her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in 2008 from HIT College, Nidasoshi, and Master degree in 2015 from VTU Belagavi. She has guided much number of U.G & PG students. She has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. She has published papers at International Journals/Conferences. She is currently pursuing Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering, SDMCET, Dharwad. Her Area of Research is Machine Learning applications in precision agriculture, Image Processing, Data mining and Algorithms.
Qualifications: B.E, MTech [Ph.D.]
- Automatic Information Forwarder for Intelligent Healthcare Support, IJSRT, 2015
- Depression Analysis via sentiment Analysis via social media, IJSIRT, 2019
Phone Number: 984 593 5971
Other Achievements:
- Life Member of ISTE
Social Links:
Prof. Yashodha Sambrani (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Yashodha Sambrani is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Information Science and Engineering from SDMCET, Dharwad and Master degree in Information Technology from SDMCET, Dharwad. She has guided much number of U.G students. She has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. She has published 3+ papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E, MTech
- Efficient Data Backup Mechanism for Cloud Computing
- An Efficient Approach for Risk Analysis in Traffic Management using Big Data with Secured Machine Learning Approach
Other Achievements:
- Software Development Cell Member
Social Links:
Prof. Anand S Pashupatimath (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Anand S Pashupatimath is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science & Engineering from Rural Engineering College, Bhalki, and Master degree in Network & Internet Engineering from JNNCE, Shimoga. He has guided much number of U.G. and PG. students. He has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. He has published 10+ papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E, MTech
- Published a paper “CLEM” (A Cloud Learning Environment for Millennial) in International Conference on P2P Parallel Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing held at Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelonan SPAIN. (26 to 28 October 2011)
- Published a paper “Parallelization of Multi Document Summarization using Multi-Threading” in IJERT, vol 3 issue 7, july 2014 ISSN:2278-0181
- Published a paper “A Friend Recommending System “FriendTome” in International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics, (IJETCSE), Volume 14 Issue 2 with ISSN 0976-1353 (April, 2015)
- Published a paper “Originating and Evolving Swings(TOPICS) in social streams” in International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics (IJETCSE), Volume 14 Issue 2 with ISSN 0976-1353 (April, 2015)
- Published a paper “A Friend Recommender System for social Networks by Life Style Extraction Using Probabilistic Method -“Friendtome”” in IJCST May 2015 Vol 3 Issue 3 with ISSN 2347-8578 & ISO 3297-2007.
- Published a paper “Evolving swings (topics) from Social Streams using Probability Model” in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), volume 5, Issue 6, June 2015 with ISSN: 2248-9622.
- Published a paper “Scenario Attack Graph (SAG): A Network Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure Mechanism” in International Journal for Research in Emerging Science & Technology (IJREST), volume-2, Issue-7, July 2015 e-ISSN 2349-7610.
- Presented a technical paper on “ICT in Education” in All India Technicians Seminar conducted at IEI Dharwad on 10 October, 2015.
- Published a paper “Online Local Grocer” in International Journal of Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Electronics (IJETCSE) on 13thApril, 2016.
- Published a paper “S3D: An efficient secure dynamic real time routing protocol to enhance QOS in WSN” in Unique Journal of Engineering and Advanced Sciences (UJEAS) on 22thJune, 2017.
- Published a paper “Transaction Confirmation in Bitcoin Block-chain” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering(IJIRCCE) on 4th April, 2018 with impact factor-7.194, ISSN (Print): 2320 – 9798
- Published a paper “Passive IP Trace back Disclosing the location of IP Spoofers through Pathback Scatter Mechanism” in Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research(JETIR) on November, 2018 with impact factor-5.87, (ISSN: 2349 – 5162)
- Published a paper “Detection and Prevention of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)” in International Journal of Innovative science and Research Technology (IJISRT) on May 2019, ISSN No:2456 – 2165 (article digital no:IJISRT9JU54)
Phone Number: 888 441 9591
Other Achievements:
- Vice-president of the Event PG-Sangama in J.N.N.C.E Shimoga.
- Member of Research proposal submitted for TEQIP Phase 2. conducted at MCA Department, during a National level Tech fest Pleiades 2013 at BVBCET, Hubli.
- Departmental Co-coordinator for Insignia-11, 12 and 15 fest at SDMCET, Dharwad.
- Co-ordinator for Staff & Student Association in SDMCET, Dharwad for 3 years.
- Co-ordinator for Parent & Teacher Association in SDMCET, Dharwad for 2 years
- Invited as a Resource person to conduct one day workshop on “Basics of C” at BCA, BBA College Nippani on 30th July, 2016.
- Invited as a Judge for the Evaluation of Mini Projects done by 6th sem students of ISE department.
- course under Cisco Network Academy from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore on March 25thRouting & Switching Essentials
- course under Cisco Network Academy from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore on March 25th 2019.
- Got online certified for NPTEL course “Cryptography & Network Security” with Elite during Jan-April, 2019. Got certified as “Cyber Crime Intervention Officer” by NSD and ISAC
Social Links:
Dr. Sharada H N (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Sharada H N is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in E&C from VEC College, Bellary, and Master degree in CSE from BEC Bagalkot. She has guided number of U.G & PG students. She has conducted/Participated in number of Conferences / Workshops for students. She has published 2 papers at International Journals/Conferences.
Qualifications: B.E, MTech
- A Loci Features Based Method to convert Images of Differential Calculus Expressions to their text equivalent” published in International Journal of System and Software Engineering, Volume 5 Issue 2. December 2017. ISSN:2321-6107
- “Segmentation and classification of multiple fruit’s Images” published in ICVR 2010 conference held at Bhuvaneshwari, Orissa.
- ” The Web-Portal for College Administration” published in International conference on Women Empowerment in Science & Technology(ICWEST 2021).
- “Automated Agriculture Robot” published in International conference on Women Empowerment in Science & Technology(ICWEST 2021).
Phone Number: 733 831 3364
Other Achievements:
- Lifetime Membership in ISTE
- Senior Member of IEEE Professional body
Social Links:
Dr. Shivanagowda G M(Assistant Professor)
Shivanagowda G M is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, INDIA. He obtained his/her Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in IT and Master of Technology in CSE from BIET, Davanagere. He got his Ph.D. in VTU, Belgaum in the area of Personalization of Engineering Education. He has been a professional member of ACM (1727259) since 2013. He has served the institution at different administrative roles like, SpoC for Campus Connect Initiative by Infosys (Feb, 2005 to April, 2008), Training & Placement Officer for the college (April, 2008 to July, 2010), DUGC Member Secretary of Dept of CSE (Dec, 2011 to Jan, 2014), Sports Advisor of the college (October 2013 to April 2015), Editor for Newsletter of Dept of CSE (June 2015 to Jan 2016), MIS Coordinator for Implementation of AdStock-onsite (Feb 2016 to March 2017 ), currently Deputy Controller of Examination since 2019 and was convener and implementation lead of online examination during the COVID19 pandemic crisis.
By 2022, He has taught 44 courses in 34 Semesters; 26 courses among them are distinct. He has guided a good number of U.G & PG students for their major project. He was a coach of 3 students teams in 2008 who reached South Asian Zonal of the prestigious ACM ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest).
He periodically attends Conferences / Workshops / Scholar Meets for knowledge upgradation and has published 7 papers as first author. He received a grant of 2 Lakhs for his research proposal to VTU, Belagavi under the “Competitive Research Grant” scheme during 2020-21.
Qualifications: B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
- Shivanagowda, G.M., Goudar, R.H. and Kulkarni, U.P. ‘Open-Assessment Methodology Based Decision Support System in Blended Learning Environments’, Int. J. Knowledge and Learning Inderscience Publications 2020 Vol. 13 No.2. Page 81-97. 10.1504/IJKL.2020.106646
- Shivanagowda, G.M., Goudar, R.H. and Kulkarni, U.P. ‘Question selection algorithm for dynamic question requirements in different learning environments from an unstructured repository’, Int. J. Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms, Inderscience Publications 2020 Vol. 1 No.3. Page 259-276.
- Shivanagowda G M, R H, Goudar, U P Kulkarni. ‘CRETAL: A Personalized Learning Environment in Conventional Setup’. In Proceedings of 10th Annual ACM COMPUTE Conference, India ACM, 2017 Pages 143-148. https://doi/3140107.3140130
- Shivanagowda G.M., Goudar R.H., Kulkarni U.P. (2015) Analysis of New Data Sources in Modern Teaching and Learning Processes in the Perspective of Personalized Recommendation. In: Jain L., Behera H., Mandal J., Mohapatra D. (eds) Computational Intelligence in Data Mining – Volume 1. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 31. Springer, New Delhi. Pages 529-539. DOI:
- Shivanagowda G.M., Goudar R.H., Kulkarni U.P. (2015) Open-Assessment Method for Better Understanding of Student’s Learnability to Create Personalised Recommendations. In: Natarajan R. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education. Springer,New Delhi Pages: 585-585. DOI: Shivanagowda, G.M.,
- Extension To The Basic Data Type For Better Data Representation,” at International Conference SETP’08. Conference held in Orlando, Florida, USA. (Sponsored by Infosys).
- Shivanagowda, G.M., ‘ANY’ A Relational Operator To Enhance The Expressivity of Programming Languages at International Conference SETP’07, held in Orlando, Florida, USA
Phone Number: 789 264 4508
Other Achievements:
- Selected and Appointed as Master Trainer for Census 2021
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No. of Companies Visited