Index of /naac1/criterion5/

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File2018-19-1.pdf2023-03-09 08:43 80k
File2018-19-2.pdf2023-03-09 08:44 64k
File2018-19-3.pdf2023-03-09 08:44 82k
File2018-19-4.pdf2023-03-09 08:45 74k
File2019-20-1.pdf2023-03-09 08:46 80k
File2019-20-2.pdf2023-03-09 08:46 75k
File2019-20-3.pdf2023-03-09 08:46 84k
File2019-20-4.pdf2023-03-09 08:47 77k
File2020-21-1.pdf2023-03-09 08:47 85k
File2020-21-2.pdf2023-03-09 08:48 76k
File2020-21-3.pdf2023-03-09 08:48 88k
File2020-21-4.pdf2023-03-09 08:49 77k
File2021-22-1.pdf2023-03-09 08:49 77k
File2021-22-2.pdf2023-03-09 08:50 72k
File2021-22-3.pdf2023-03-09 08:50 68k
File2021-22-4.pdf2023-03-09 08:51 72k
File5.1.1 -Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships...2023-03-14 12:57 8k
File5.1.1 Data Template.pdf2023-02-21 05:44 438k
File5.1.1Fellowship.pdf2023-03-24 05:28 905k
File5.1.2 Data Template.pdf2023-02-21 05:44 438k
File5.1.2-Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, ...2023-03-14 12:59 15k
File5.1.3 Details of Activirties.pdf2023-02-21 05:45 937k
File5.1.3-Following Capacity development and skills enhancement activities are o...2023-03-14 13:00 13k
File5.1.4 Data Template.pdf2023-02-21 05:45 612k
File5.1.4-2017-18.pdf2023-03-14 11:32 116k
File5.1.4-2018-19.pdf2023-03-14 11:31 107k
File5.1.4-2019-20.pdf2023-03-14 11:31 102k
File5.1.4-2020-21.pdf2023-03-14 11:30 100k
File5.1.4-Average percentage of students benefited by guidance for competitive ex...2023-03-14 13:06 14k
File5.1.5-The institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievan...2023-03-14 13:11 18k
File5.2.1-2017-18 Placements.pdf2023-02-21 05:47 375k
File5.2.1-2018-19 Placements.pdf2023-02-21 05:48 381k
File5.2.1-2019-20 Placements.pdf2023-02-21 05:49 830k
File5.2.1-2020-21 Placements.pdf2023-02-21 05:52 783k
File5.2.1-2021-22 Placements.pdf2023-02-21 05:55 1128k
File5.2.1-Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last fi...2023-03-14 13:15 15k
File5.2.2- Percentage of student progression to higher education (previous gradua...2023-03-17 10:55 9829k
File5.2.3-Average percentage of students qualifying in state national internation...2023-03-17 10:55 2351k
File5.3.1 Data Template.pdf2023-02-21 06:00 568k
File5.3.1-Number of awardsmedals for outstanding performance in sportscultural ac...2023-03-14 13:19 15k
File5.3.3 Cash award.pdf2023-03-24 07:08 594k
File5.3.3 Cultural.pdf2023-02-21 06:05 6362k
File5.3.3 Sports.pdf2023-02-21 06:06 312k
File5.3.3-Average number of sports and cultural events competitions organised by...2023-03-14 13:21 13k
File5.33 2017-18.pdf2023-03-23 05:21 5202k
File5.33 2018-19.pdf2023-03-23 05:21 3297k
File5.33 2021-22.pdf2023-03-23 05:21 5646k
File5.4.1.pdf2023-03-23 05:21 2324k
File5.4.2-Alumni financial contribution during the last five years _in INR_.pdf2023-03-14 13:24 15k
FileAnti Ragging 2017-18-1.pdf2023-02-21 06:07 352k
Fileanti ragging 2017-18-2.pdf2023-03-14 09:44 1939k
FileAnti Ragging 2018-19 -1.pdf2023-03-09 08:07 364k
Fileanti ragging 2018-19-2.pdf2023-03-14 09:44 863k
FileAnti Ragging 2019-20 -2.pdf2023-03-09 08:08 362k
Fileanti ragging 2019-20-1.pdf2023-03-14 09:45 1053k
FileAnti Ragging 2020-21.pdf2023-03-09 08:09 357k
FileAnti Ragging 2022-23.pdf2023-03-09 08:10 357k
FileCompany Logo.pdf2023-03-24 12:06 2072k
FileCriteria 5 Final.pdf2023-03-14 13:32 996k
FileNAAC Criteria 5.0 Data Collection Excel file.xlsx2023-03-14 13:34 175k
FileNon Government Scholership 2019.pdf2023-03-14 09:45 291k
FileNon Government Scholership 2020.pdf2023-03-14 09:46 782k
FileNon Government Scholership 2021.pdf2023-03-14 09:47 267k
FileNon Government Scholership 2022.pdf2023-03-14 09:47 274k
FileNon Government Scholership 2023.pdf2023-03-14 09:48 796k
Fileplacement 2017-18.pdf2023-02-21 06:11 518k
Fileplacement 2018-19.pdf2023-02-21 06:12 547k
Fileplacement 2019-20.pdf2023-02-21 06:14 659k
Fileplacement 2020-21.pdf2023-02-21 06:19 3546k
Fileplacement 2021-22.pdf2023-02-21 06:20 977k
FilePlacement highest package with students photos.pdf2023-03-24 07:20 458k
FileScan Sports 2017-18.pdf2023-03-09 08:24 6524k
FileScan Sports 2018-19.pdf2023-03-09 08:27 2871k
FileScan Sports 2019-20.pdf2023-03-09 08:28 718k
FileScan Sports 2020-21.pdf2023-03-09 08:31 4052k
FileScan Sports 2021-22.pdf2023-03-09 08:32 741k
FileScan Students Grivences 2017-18.pdf2023-03-09 08:33 404k
FileScan Students Grivences 2018-19.pdf2023-03-09 08:34 457k
FileScan Students Grivences 2019-20.pdf2023-03-09 08:35 881k
FileScan Students Grivences 2020-21.pdf2023-03-09 08:36 778k
FileScan Students Grivences 2021-22.pdf2023-03-09 08:37 938k
FileScan Students Grivences 2022-23.pdf2023-03-09 08:39 859k
FileScholership Details 2017-18.pdf2023-03-14 11:59 287k
FileScholership Details 2018-19.pdf2023-03-14 11:59 208k
FileScholership Details 2019-20.pdf2023-03-03 04:13 165k
FileScholership Details 2020-21.pdf2023-03-14 11:59 238k
FileScholership Details 2021-22.pdf2023-03-14 11:59 480k
FileSports 2020-21.pdf2023-03-09 08:42 18599k
FileStudents Club.pdf2023-03-24 11:33 5053k
FileVTU Youthfest.pdf2023-03-24 07:09 5154k
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